Chapter 9

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Kelly's POV

I was sitting in the coffee shop across the company's building. Their coffee was great . l felt my muscles relaxing a bit as l slowly seeped on the steaming coffee. At this rate l was going to age faster than l thought if l remained a PA to Mike Knight any longer.

Jane walked towards me with one of her smiles. She was always in a jovial mood. Who wouldn't be when they were PA for the carefree Felix Grey.

She sat opposite me with her coffee.

"Having a rough day ? You look pale ," she asked in a worried voice.

"Just a bit tired l guess."

She sipped her coffee for a while before raising pity filled eyes to me and l immediately knew what her next words would be.

"Girl ! How do you survive being PA for Mr Knight. Heard the guy have got some anger management issues. I am really scared of him ," Jane dropped her voice to a murmur at the last words.

A smile crawled on my face as l recalled my first day at Knights Fashion . How his mere stare had me stuttering. But surprisingly, l am no longer scared of Mike Knight, not anymore. Once you get to know a person and accept that's who they are , a lot will stop bothering you like it did before.

"I feel pity for her."

Jane's voice brought me out of my trance. I followed her gaze and saw Lisa , one of the designers walking to a corner table. Her face was sullen, clearly not in a happy mood.

I heard Jane releasing a deep breath.

"What happened to her ?," l asked curiously.

"Your handsome jerk of a boss found out about them. Lisa and Harry were dating in secret . Mr Knight called them both and told them either they stop dating at his company and remain his employees or one of them quit and they continue dating outside his company."

"I can't believe he did that!," l gasped in horror, the unfairness of it eating at me.

"Trust me ,  he did."

It was crazy! How could he try to control everyone in the company like that !

My eyes went back to Lisa and l felt sorry for her.  She didn't deserve it. She and Harry seemed so much in love.

I remembered the day she bolted out of Mr Knight's office with tears on her face. Harry had followed behind her equally depressed. Now l know why.

"Mr Knight is a complete psychopath!," Jane spat out, her pretty face contorting in anger.

"I bet he is," l replied feeling anger surging in me at the injustice done Lisa.

That's when that mean receptionist entered the cafe with her group of equally slutty girlfriends. She sat two tables away but not before throwing me a glare.

"What's her problem with me? I just don't get it," l asked no one in particular .

Jane followed my gaze and l heard her snort.

"You mean Diana?"

"I guess that's her name then," l said remembering her name tag the other day.

Jane rolled her eyes dramatically.

"They should have named her slutty Diana instead," she said with sarcasm.

"She doesn't seem to like me."

Jane waved off my words with her hand.

"Don't mind her. She is probably jealous. She wanted to be Mr Knight's PA but he turned her down. She is a complete psycho!"

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