Chapter 8

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Kelly's POV

Days passed by in a daze. It was now two weeks being PA for the arrogant and ruthless Mike Knight. I had now grown accustomed to the job and even his various mood swings.

The man was definitely allergic to smiling. Always wore that same cold expression on his face. The only emotion l have ever seen him express since l started working for him is anger. He never seem to be satisfied with everything l do.

I used to complain to Rose how Mr Knight overworked me but she would just smile and tell me that l was acting like some spoiled and privileged brat and to put on my big girl's pants. She always lecture me about how life was not that easy and simple for an average person as l have always imagined.

Since then l decided to bear with Mike Knight mood swings and his tyrant ways if l wanted to last more than a month.

Jane walked by flashing me a big smile. I returned her smile. She was my first female friend l made at Knights Fashion and she was really nice and sweet.

Jane was the secretary of the jovial and handsome Mr Grey and  I sometimes envied her. At least Mr Grey treated her like a human being.

He didn't send her running around with his morning coffee unlike Mr Knight who always had me running to and fro the whole day. By the end of the day , l would drop dead asleep on my bed , extremely tired.

Last week he even went to the extreme of sending me to a dry cleaner across the street with some of his spoiled suits.

He snapped at me for silly things like not getting his coffee on time. I bet l seemed like an easy target to vent his anger and frustrations on whenever possible.

The intercom buzzed jerking me back to reality.

"Miss White, I need my coffee."

I dropped my head on my desk and groaned.

Not again!

I bet l probably knew more about him than his current girlfriend if he had any.

Mr Knight liked having two spoons of sugar in his coffee. He was allergic to sea foods. He hated spinach. He hated to see any dust speck on his furniture.

Trust me! The man was a clean freak!

His office had to be cleaned  twice a week by some cleaning company.

The intercom buzzed again.

"Miss White," he called again in that same impatient voice.

Minutes later , l was walking into his office carrying a tray with his coffee mug on it. He took it and started to sip.

Not even a thank you!

I bet the word didn't exist anywhere in his dictionary. I could tell he was used to having people wait on him his whole damn life.

The door burst open and Mr Grey strode in with a huge grin as usual. Every time l met him he was always smiling. He was a cheerful and easy going man.

I always wondered how he ended up being friends with an arrogant jerk like Mr Knight. Mr Knight was as cold as a winter day. His face always impassive.

"Don't you know how to knock Grey . Where are your manners?"

Mr Grey laughed walking further into the room.

"Being lectured by one who lacks them is surprising."

"Hie Kelly," Mr Grey said with a smile when his eyes landed on me.

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