Chapter 7

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Kelly's POV

Standing in front of the enormous Knights Fashion building , l let out a nervous sigh for the umpteenth time. It was my first day as PA to the rude and arrogant Mike Knight.

When l told Dad about it two nights ago , l expected him to throw a big fuss about me tainting his image working as a PA and then forbid me from working.

But he had done the complete opposite. He had simply smiled much to my surprise and then said,

"You always make me proud , little pumpkin. "

I had basked in his praise.

I breathed out another sigh before strolling towards the intimidating building in my black high heels, short pencil skirt and a white blouse. Again my curly hair was pulled up in a tight chignon but my face had some makeup unlike that day.

Rose had forced me into bending to her wills and l had gladly followed. I had to admit l felt different.

Beautiful and more confident.

An old man standing by the entrance in a valet uniform approached me with a smile.

"You seem lost Miss. I saw you standing there for quite some time. Do you need any help?"

"l was just wondering whether l am making the right choice ," l told him with a smile before walking away, leaving the valet with a confused look.

The receptionist eyed me with obvious dislike before picking up the telephone and dialing Mr Knight's office. Clearly she didn't like me but l couldn't care less.

"Sir, the appointed secretary is here."

I was amazed at how suddenly her voice changed. She had spoken to me in a rude voice earlier but now as she spoke to the CEO , her voice was smooth and soft like honey.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her stupid behaviour. She replaced the telephone and subjected me to another glare.

"His office is on the last floor to the right ," she said giving me a card.

I was about to leave when l remembered something. Turning back , l asked sharply,

"Do you have a problem with me?"

She gasped at my directness.

"NOPE," she replied with a glare emphasising the P word.

"Then l suggest you keep your poisonous look to yourself."

I heard her gasp loudly behind me.

I have just earned an enemy at my work place before l have even started.

Pathetic! I know.

I knocked on the CEO's office.

"Come in."

A voice called from within. I opened the door and walked in, feeling my insides flutter again with nervousness.

Well , you can't blame me.

It's my first job and l scared that l will mess things up before l even get started.

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