Chapter 14

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Kelly's POV

I strolled along the sidewalk on my way to the diner. Winter had passed and the spring had emerged bringing with it blossoming flowers and trees.

So it was a perfect day for a walk. I stretched myself again for the umpteenth time since morning. My neck and shoulders were aching.

I had spent the entire week running around the company organising the great anniversary party of the company.

It was a very important event seeing how my boss was going around the company barking orders , demanding every detail of the party to be perfected.

A red Toyota hooted and parked on the side of the road besides me. The tinted glass window rolled down . Jane peaked out her head smiling.

I grinned and darted around the car to get in. Jane pulled the car back into the busy traffic road. I released a sigh and leaned back on the seat with my eyes closed, feeling myself relaxing. The tension slowly began fading away.

"Having a rough day?, " Jane asked,her eyes still set on the road.

"You can't imagine how tired l am!"

"Mike Knight should give us a paid vacation considering how he overworked us this week."

"I couldn't agree more."

"What l need most right now is a bubble bath and a glass of wine in my hand before the great boring party, " l said the last part in distaste.

Jane stared at me with widened eyes as if l had grown another head.

"The Knights anniversary party is like an event of the year . It is always the talk of the town afterwards. No one gets in so easily. We are lucky that we work there otherwise we wouldn't even dream of being in such a grand event. Lots of celebrities and business tycoons you can't imagine will be there . It's like a red carpet really. I have attempted to hook a rich husband for myself each year but have failed. Blame those models they always invited at the party," she added the last part with a sad sigh.

I laughed at her honesty.


Mike's POV

The great hall of Galaxy hotel was already brimming with people. Some were already drunk and slurring. I checked my watch. It was now past seven. My eyes surveyed the room for the third time and l immediately felt disappointed when l couldn't spot what l was searching for.

Where the hell is she?

I turned around and caught Felix staring at me with a smirk on his face. I arched an eyebrow at me in question and he sipped his wine,smirking at me over the rim of the glass.

"Say what you want to say already?," l asked him in an impatient voice.

"Who are you looking for?," he asked in an amused tone.

He cocked one eyebrow at me whilst grinning. How l wish to wipe that smirk off his bloody face. I grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and gulped.

"Woooh! Easy on that wine. We don't want the host getting drunk and causing a scene."

"You know l am good at holding my liquor."

My best friend raised an eyebrow at my words and l chuckled remembering the few times l had caused a scene in university.

"My memories in college of a drunk you are a little different."

"Okay, l will admit it's not entirely true."

"Back to the original question. Who are you really searching for? You have been eyeing that entrance for the past hour."

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