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After her lunch with Rachel, the rest of Quinn's afternoon went by relatively uneventful, Coach Sylvester laughed at her for being unable to walk without waddling, and Miss Pillsbury cornered her asking her if she wanted to talk about Sue's unpleasant behaviour towards her. She declined, the Cheerio's coach had called her worse things before her lapse in judgment turned her 'Fat Day' into the mother of all 'Fat Days'

She refused the offer from Brittany to hang out with her and Santana after school, she lied saying that she was feeling tired and her pillow was calling out to her. The look of relief from the Latina when she told the blonde cheerleader this didn't go unnoticed. Like she wants to be third wheel anyway.

She went straight to Puck's when school finished, dumping her bag on the floor and collapsing onto the small bed. She had some time before little Maya came home and Puck's Mom would wake up from her daily afternoon nap, so she took that opportunity to bask in the peacefulness of the house before getting ready for dinner at Rachel's.

Wow, there was something she never thought she'd be doing, or look forward to doing. She pretty much had a two track mind lately. Hungry and horny, and neither one had been satisfied at all these last few months, so the thought of a proper home cooked meal made her mouth water. As for the constant arousal, well that was something that would have to be locked up in a little box, somewhere in the back of her mind. She closed her eyes and thought of potato dumplings.

She heard a bang from somewhere and bolted upright looking around the room like a rabbit sensing danger, then when she heard the familiar sound of Puck's little sister running down the basement steps, she slumped and looked at the clock in the corner with a frown. God damn it, she'd fallen asleep for almost an hour. Well at least she hadn't really lied to Brittany now.

The young girl bounded up to her and smiled mischievously before shouting, "Epic Quinn!"

"Maya, stop calling me that." She could kill Puck for coming up with that name for her. Especially in front of an impressionable eleven year old who was ready to absorb all types of new information. "Did you have a good day at school?" She asked ruffling the girl's hair.

The littlest Puckerman scrunched up her face, slapping the hand away from her head. "Yeah. Matthew Parker's hamster, Jasper escaped from its cage during second period and our teacher Mr. Tobin had to try and catch it. It was really funny, he was running around all over the place, he caught Jasper but then he fell down."

"Oh no. Is he alright?"

Maya had her hand in her pocket and was digging around like she was looking for gold. "Hmm?"

"Is he alright?" Quinn asked again with a smile. She could only hope her daughter turned out to be as cute as the little girl in front of her, with the trademark Puckerman soulful eyes, and far too cheeky grin.

"No. He died."

The blonde gaped at the girl. "Mr. Tobin died?"

"No!" Maya scoffed. "Jasper died. Pay attention. Puck said the baby has turned your brain to mush."

"Did he now?" Quinn asked narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah." The girl nodded. She knew she was getting her brother into trouble. "Mom asked me to come get you."

"Tell her I'll be up in a minute."

"Okay." And the little girl ran back up the basement stairs, tripping halfway but carrying on like nothing had happened.

Quinn stood up and stretched her back, no sixteen year old should have back ache like this, even if they are pregnant. She made her way to the living room and Ruth had her feet up watching some generic TV game show. The lady knew her general knowledge. She asked Mrs. Puckerman once why she didn't apply to go on one of those shows because she would totally kick trivia's ass, but Ruth said that she didn't think she was that good. Quinn would later work out that she was agoraphobic, and wouldn't even leave the house to go and see her own daughter in the starring role of the school's production of Aladdin.

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