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Santana was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the constant sighing that came from Quinn next to her on the couch. It wasn't that she didn't feel for her friend; she did. Of course she did. But sometimes a girl just needs to spends some quality alone time with her Xbox, and shoot the ever-loving crap out of some zombies! At least Brittany had found a way to entertain herself with the kitten and some of Izzy's wool.

"I miss Rachel." Quinn said, and took another pickle out of the jar.

"Yeah, I know." The brunette grunted, without taking her eyes off the TV screen. "You've mentioned this several times now. Apart from the fact that she hasn't actually gone anywhere - and is just hanging out with her mom - you saw her three hours ago."

"Not the point Santana!" The blonde said as she punched her on the arm. "You aren't a very supportive friend."

"The hell I'm not! I just don't want to hear about how Rachel wants to get to know her mother; and not spend time with you." She let out a frustrated noise as she died in the game she was playing, and put the controller on her leg. "I get it Q, you've gotten used to the fact that you - and that bump of yours have been the centre of her attention for the last few weeks. But it's only been a day. Did you talk to her last night?"

"No. She got in late, and I went to bed early."

"Did you use your massager?" Santana smirked.

"Shut up." Quinn huffed, and sunk into the sofa with a pout. "I know I'm being unreasonable, that doesn't mean I don't feel sad about it."

"Fair enough." The brunette turned in her seat so she was facing her friend. "At least you're aware you're being a crazy pregnant woman right now. You've grown so much as a person."

"Seriously. Shut up."

"Right, well, it's not that I don't want you in my house - sulking like a child. But why aren't you at home?"

"Rachel has sworn me to secrecy, and I'm worried that I won't be able to keep it from the Mr. B's."

"I know I was all mock the mocky mockerson just then when I said you'd grown as a person, but now I'm thinking that maybe you really have. Remember not that long ago when you lied for months to Fudson about him being the Baby Daddy? I'm so freaking happy that it isn't his baby by the way; I mean, what if she got his brains? As much of an idiot as Puck can be, he isn't stupid."

"No. And, she'd be called Drizzle if she was Finn's."

"I'm back!" Izzy called out from the kitchen, and when the woman entered the living room, Santana saw her visibly sag, and she knew exactly why. Izzy liked Brittany and Quinn; she also liked it when she had a break from them. But God bless her - she recovered from her disappointment quickly and quietly. "Hello there my little Pumpkin pies; my tiny Peach Cobblers; my miniscule Apple Crumbles; my giant Yorkshire Puddings. How are we today?"

"Hungry." Quinn responded sullenly, and the older Lopez gave her sister a questioning look.

"She's sad."

"Still? Okay." Izzy shook her head, turned and marched back out of the room.

"Go home Fabray." Santana said as she put her hand on the other girls arm.

"Yeah. Will you come with me? Just for a while?"

'Jesus. H. Christ' "B? Wanna go over to Quinn's?"

The taller blonde looked up at them from where she was sitting on the floor. "Can we bring Luna?"


Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now