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Are you ready?" Rachel called out into the school locker room. "We've got to go!"

"Keep your panties on Princess, I'm almost done."

The singer rolled her eyes as she walked fully into the room, and saw Santana staring at the full length mirror. "You look done to me, and Mr. Schuester is beginning to get agitated."

The taller girl looked at her in the mirror and gave her a small smile. "I think you're agitated."

"Well, yes, I am." Rachel flapped her arms in exasperation and sighed. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking." Santana said as she turned to look at her friend.

"Is it entirely necessary for you to do that here? Can't you do that on the bus?"

"I suppose." Santana shrugged.

Rachel looked at the taller girl and cocked her head. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's good."

"Santana." She said raising a brow.

"Rachel." The other girl replied as she walked towards the door.

"Something is going on. You're being weird."

"Nothing is going on. I was just thinking about... things and stuff."

"Things and stuff?" The Diva asked incredulously as Santana marched off down McKinley High hallway, and she jogged to keep up.

"Yeah. But they're good things and stuff, so don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

Santana stopped walking and gave her friend a smirk. "Of course I am. You need to stop worrying about me."

Rachel smiled back. "And why would I do that?"

The taller girl draped her arm around Rachel shoulder and they began to walk again. "Come on Short-Stack, we've got a competition to get to."

As soon as they stepped onto the bus, Rachel could see the relief across their teachers face, and Santana ushered her to the back of the bus where she took her seat next to Quinn.

"Hey." The blonde said, and took her hand as soon as she sat down.

"Hey back." She replied distractedly as she watched the blondes tongue brush across her lips.

"Everything alright?" Quinn whispered.

"I think so." She glanced to the seat in front where Santana sat. "I'm sure everything is fine." She turned her attention back to her girlfriend. "How are you feeling? You didn't have enough sleep again."

"I'm actually feeling okay. I think it's the adrenalin."

"Have you not been taking care of yourself, Fabray?" Santana asked, as she turned to kneel on the seat and dangle her arms over the back of the chair. "Sort yourself out, you dozy cow. Also, I call godmother."

"What? You can't call godmother like you're calling shotgun!"

"Why not?"

"Because you can't!"

"Not a valid reason."

"It's my damn decision who has responsibility for my child if something happens to me! And Rachel's higher on the list than you."

"Yeah, but Rachel's like the other Mom. I'm talking about if something happens to you and her."

"What about my Dad's?" Rachel groused.

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now