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Quinn woke up with a strangled scream and sat up in her bed; drawing her knees up to her chin. She exhaled deeply as she turned on the light, and then wiped away her tears.

She'd always had nightmares; ever since she was a child; and they had became considerably worse since she'd become pregnant, but she hadn't had a single one since she moved into the Berry home. Until now.

She never remembered them after she had woken up; she was only left with a terrible feeling of foreboding, and a bitter taste in her mouth.

She breathed out again as she picked up the water from her nightstand, and almost jumped out of her skin when the door was flung open.

The sight of Rachel looking dishevelled and frenzied - holding a small luminous pink dumbbell in her hand - surprisingly made her relax quite a bit.

"What happened?" The singer whispered harshly as she scanned the room frantically.

"It was just a bad dream, Rach." Quinn smiled crookedly, and took a sip of her water.

Rachel dropped the dumbbell to her side and gave her a sympathetic look before she fully walked into the room, and shut the door behind her. "If I had a nightmare when I was a child, I would surround myself completely with all my cuddly-bears." The brunette said as she walked around the bed and sat down next to the other girl.

"I don't have any here." Quinn shrugged as she put her water back down.

"No, I know." Rachel smiled and swung her legs onto the bed. "But you do have me." The Diva scrambled under the covers and looked at the blonde in such a way, that Quinn felt herself flush.

"You don't need to do that, Rach."

"I say this with complete love Quinn - Shut up and lie down."

The pregnant girl laughed, and then remembered that it was coming up to midnight, and quietened herself. "You are very, very bossy Rachel Barbra Berry."

"Yes, and I'm also your cuddly-bear substitute."

"Okay." Quinn agreed, then lay back down; facing away from the smaller girl, and turned off the light. There was still a glow in the room from her lava lamp that Luke had given her, but not enough to disturb her.

Just having Rachel there had calmed her down considerably though, and when the Diva put her arm around the swollen belly, and pulled herself closer to the blonde so that she was right up against her - Quinn sighed happily, and took Rachel's hand in her own.

"Thanks Rach, you being here helps a lot."

"You know -" She felt Rachel's breath on the back of her neck, and moved her head forward - just a little. "Santana told me you were worried that I would leave Glee club when I was spending time with Shelby."

"Did she?" Quinn pursed her lips in annoyance.

The singer chuckled and Quinn felt it all the way down her spine - And then a little further down. This was exactly the reason she had decided to spend the night in her own room. Clearly that hadn't work out so well.

"She did. Even if things had worked out with Shelby - I still wouldn't give up the thing I love just to spend more time with her."

Quinn turned onto her back, and Rachel shifted herself onto her elbow. "I wouldn't have blamed you, Rach. Vocal Adrenalin are really good. Honestly, I don't think we have a chance; regardless of what Santana says."

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt