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Wow." Quinn whispered against Rachel lips.

"Yeah." Rachel whispered back and leaned in to kiss the blonde again; resting her hands on the pregnant girl's knees; grazing her thumb over the skin.

Quinn moaned as she deepened the kiss without any resistance from the brunette.

This was so much more than she had imagined - And she had a very vivid imagination. Quinn always knew that Rachel's lips would be perfect for kissing, but she had no idea just how perfect. They were so soft and full and nothing she had ever felt before, and she wanted nothing but to feel these lips all the time.

She wondered as their tongues brushed together what it would feel like to have those lips on her neck, or her shoulder, or just above her collarbone, or over her-

"Oh, God!" She pulled away; but not too far. "Naughty thought!" She looked at Rachel - who seemed startled more than anything else - And grinned.


"You have very lovely lips."

"You too." The brunette smiled shyly.

"But right now - given my current... state - they're too lovely. For me. And my lack... Okay so there are things that pregnant ladies sometimes go through, that -"

"Are you feeling aroused?" Rachel asked matter-of-factly.

Quinn stared blankly at her for a few moments. Was she really that surprised that the smaller girl had been so blunt? Hmm. No, not really. "Yeah." She shrugged. "But believe me, I really didn't want to stop."

"Okay." Rachel gave her a small nod. "Are we going to have to wait until Lily-Beth is born to do that again? Because I'm not sure I can wait that long - Not now that I've already had a taste. So to speak." The singer's eyes fell to her lips, and Quinn could feel the flush getting stronger.

"No!" She said abruptly. "Won't have to wait long. Just as long as you stop looking at me like that. It's really not helping"

Rachel gave her a wicked grin, and placed a quick kiss on her lips before she jumped off the bed and held her hand out for the blonde. "Then I'm not going to be able to look at you at all."

Quinn took the offered hand and sighed as she hopped onto the floor. "You not looking at me would be worse. I like you looking at me."

"So which is it going to be?" Rachel asked; her grin still wide. "Looking?" She raised her left hand. "Or not looking?" Then she lifted her right hand, and moved them both up and down like a weighing scale.

The blonde frowned and puckered hip lips in pretend thought, and then took hold of the other girls' hands and pulled her closer. "I see what's going on here." Quinn leaned in; her lips just close enough for them to be breathing the same air. "You already know you have the power in this relationship."

Rachel let out a small chuckle. "No." She whispered. "I don't. Not if you knew what you did to me."

The blonde closed the small gap and kissed her again.

Nope. She would never get tired of doing this.

She straightened herself up when she started feeling those pesky fuzzy feelings again, and exhaled. "This has been a crazy day." She said after she smoothed out her crumpled dress.

"It has." Rachel agreed as they made their way out of the room. "But a day that ends with me getting the girl - can be as crazy as it wants."

"Mmm hmm." The blonde agreed.

Rachel locked the nurses office after they left; putting the keys in her pocket and then they took each others hands - like they always did - and walked back to the choir room.

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now