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Rachel was sitting on the bleachers overlooking the playing field. She usually only did this when she wanted to think about things, but today was different, and she was disregarding her usual Thursday morning routine because she thought this was more important. She stood up when Coach Sylvester shouted random insults and blew the whistle indicating Cheerio's practice was finished, then she made her way down to the field.

"Santana? May I have a word with you?"

"You know Berry, just because you're friends with Q now, doesn't mean that we are." The cheerleader said giving her a bored look as she shoved a towel in her bag.

"I am aware of that fact. But I would like to discuss something with you, about Quinn."

Santana straightened up and folded her arms across her chest. "Why? What's wrong?"

Rachel stopped herself from smiling at the taller brunette. Santana 'I'm A Mother Fucking Badass' Lopez had her bravado, but if there was a slight chance that someone she cared about was in trouble, then that façade she liked to keep up started to crack. "Nothing is wrong, exactly." The Diva reassured. "But there is something not right."

Santana relaxed. "Yeah no arguments from me. What she sees in you I don't know."

Rachel rolled her eyes. The Latina's insults had become less and less hurtful, and mostly they seemed for show these days. "Regardless of your feelings towards me Santana, I know that you care for Quinn, and I want to help her."

"Really? And how are you going to do that?"

"I have a plan. And you are an integral part of it."

"I don't think I like where this is going."

"I wouldn't normally ask, but you seem like someone who can get things done."

"You make it sound like I'm in the mafia." Santana quirked an eyebrow and flashed a smirk. "Fine. What do you need me to do?"

"Not now. I'll meet you in the library later."

"Okay, but this plan of yours better not be a waste of my time Berry."

"It won't be." Rachel smiled up at her. "I guarantee you."

Santana stepped forward and leaned down, closing in on her. "Is that so? That's quite a promise to make; if you fail to live up to it then you might find that your extensive Broadway memorabilia will be sleeping with the fishes. Understood?"

Rachel nodded. It was very probable that the cheerleader was only joking, but she wasn't going to risk it.

The Latina smiled and straightened up, looking over to see Brittany walking in their direction. "If you want to avoid another bear hug from B, I suggest you leave now."

The Diva glanced over to the blonde and waved as she quickly made her getaway. It wasn't that she was against being hugged by Brittany, but ithad become such a frequent occurrence the last two days it was beginning to freak her out a little.

She'd arranged to meet Santana in the library during her free period before lunch, and as Rachel looked around the room protectively clutching a ring-binder to her chest, she felt a little guilty for not actually using the time to study. When Santana finally arrived several minutes late and slumped into the chair next to her, she placed the folder on the table, sliding it across to the taller girl.

Santana stared at it with a frown. "What's that?"

"It's The Plan."

"Right. Of course it is." The Latina took a deep breath and opened it up. When she saw the page in front of her was practically empty, she chuckled. "This is your plan? I was expecting something with a little more detail."

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