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When Quinn woke up in the Berry Guest room she stretched herself out like a cat. She missed being able to sprawl across a bed. She looked at her phone and saw that she'd slept undisturbed for a considerable amount of time, and that she had a message from Santana.

You owe me Juno. I know spent the night at Stubbles. Puck's Mom called to check on you. You're lucky my sister likes you enough to cover for your fat ass.


She picked up the towels; toothbrush and spare clothes David left for her last night and went into the bathroom, looking through all the products and picking out the most suitable ones. She turned the water on putting her hand under the stream to wait for the right temperature.

She liked shower time, she did her best thinking there, all her problems seemed to get worked out easier and plans fell into place. Right now her thoughts were of Rachel, and how the world had apparently shifted on its axis and had completely messed with her reality in the last few days. Someone who made her laugh didn't come along very often, and Rachel being one of these special few was surprising. And watching how the little Diva behaved in her natural habitat, as it were, was also another glimpse into a life she realised she knew nothing about. Rachel was more than the two dimensional cartoon character that she'd created in her head that only cared about being famous.

As far as Quinn was concerned the Diva was a big ball of contradictions. She's self absorbed but she's also considerate, she's a force to be reckoned with but vulnerable too, she can be abrasive and sweet. All of those negative attributes that seem to be the primary make up of her personality are actually complimented by all the positive ones that people rarely get a chance to see.

She regretted not seeing the girl for what she was because of stupid high school politics, and she knew that if she hadn't have become pregnant then she never would have found out.

She also liked shower time because the acoustics were fucking amazing.

Once she was done in the bathroom she put on the spare t-shirt and sweats, which were baggy and very comfortable. She figured that they belonged to Lucas because David was a giant and Rachel was small enough to put in a jar. She looked down at the 'Don't Hassle the Hoff' shirt and wondered if she could get away with borrowing it indefinitely.

She walked into the kitchen to find the other girl sitting at the table with dozens of little chocolate balls in front of her and a bowl of chocolate flakes. "Morning." She said as the Diva dropped a ball into the bowl.

"Oh you're up."

Quinn frowned. "Was that a dig at the amount of sleep I had?"

"No." Rachel looked confused. "It was just one of those redundant statements that people make. You know how if someone comes in from outside soaking wet and someone asks if it's raining. It was like that."

"Like that 'Here's your sign' guy."

The brunette looked at the wall for a moment. "I don't know what that means." She smiled and got up from the table. "Are you hungry? I'll make you some breakfast."

"I'm always hungry, and there's no need."

"There most certainly is a need. Baby needs nutrition and I'm here to supply that." Rachel went over to the fridge and stuck her head inside.

The pregnant girl couldn't deny it any longer; Rachel Berry was cute as button.

"Would you like pancakes?" The question was muffled from the appliance.

"If that's easy for you, I don't want to put you out."

Rachel emerged from the fridge holding a carton of eggs and a half smile across her face. "You aren't, I assure you. What would you like to drink?"

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