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It was ten minutes after Quinn had put on her night clothes and managed to move Rachel in the bed so she had enough room to lie in it- when it started to rain. She sighed when she heard it hit the window, and she extracting herself from the bed to look outside.

She liked the sound of the rain hitting glass, but then again, she liked the rain, period. There was something about it that stirred up romantic notions inside of her; it always had, even before her recently renewed passion for books.

It was still dark, and the sporadic street lights only illuminated the occasional parked car and passing animal. If this were a city there would still be people out in the street, but the suburbs tended to be pretty quiet. Only once did she ever catch anything exciting happen at this time of the morning, and that was when one of her parents neighbours found out her husband had cheated on her, and threw out all of his clothes. The whole neighbourhood talked about it for months.

She preferred it when there was a storm. She and her sister would go outside while the rain came crashing down, and the thunder and lightening was close. They would lift up their arms and their faces to the sky, and let themselves get soaked to the skin. Judy and Richard disapproved of this, like they did most things she and Cassie actually enjoyed doing.

God she missed doing things like that, she stopped because she was told it was childish, but now she wondered if that really mattered.

She walked away from the window, and picked up the pickles she'd managed to sneak upstairs with her, and she chuckled evilly at her ability to get away with food theft while she was pregnant, then she went to her backpack and took out the book she'd been trying to get through for the last month, and walked back to where she'd been and sat down on the window seat and opened the jar.

She'd managed to get through four pages when she heard- "Are you eating those things again?"

Quinn turned to look at a sleepy Rachel and frowned. "Did the smell wake you up?"

"Yup." The singer nodded.

"Seriously? I spent like, five minutes trying to wake you up, and it took me another five to move you so I could get into bed, and I got nothing from you, and the smell of vinegar is the thing that brings you out of the drink induced coma!"

"I'm sorry." Rachel pouted as she sat up.

"I'm not angry at you, Doof." The blonde smiled as she closed the book and walked over to her friend.

"Oh, okay." The brunette smiled back at her happily, watching her every move as she made her way to sit next to her.

The way Rachel was looking at her now was just like the way she had all those weeks ago, when she had taken her home after the painkiller incident. But unlike then, those soulful eyes didn't make her uncomfortable, they made her feel wanted, and cared for.

The moment she took a seat on the bed, Rachel got out of it, and pulled off her pyjama top over her head then threw it on the floor. "I'm warm. Need a thinner top"

"Mmm hmm." Quinn squeaked, and turned her head away 'Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God. Don't look, don't look, don't look.' She rubbed her hands over her face and tried to erase the image of Rachel in just her bra. It didn't seem to work. This was clearly a sight that was going to be burned into her memory like a tattoo. And if she was honest with herself, it was something she was going enjoy recalling whenever she wanted to. And at that thought, she bit her lip to hide her smile, even though the smaller girl couldn't see her.

She felt the bed dip, and risked a peek. The brunette was wearing a white ripped-v-neck cotton tee that hugged her in all the right places. And it looked familiar. "Where did you get that from?" She asked.

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now