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Santana sat on the bench near the entrance of the mall, somewhat aware that there were people around, getting on with their Saturday, doing their Saturday things, but she wasn't really paying attention to them. It was four thirty, and the Berry family birthday spectacular was drawing to a close, and her brain felt like it had exploded with too much fun. Quinn, who was sitting next to her, slowly eating a pretzel, seemed to be in a very similar state of mind.

"I think I'm going to be sick if I finish this." The blonde said, turning slightly, making the balloons she'd refused to take off all day, gently bounce off the Latinas head. "But I can't seem to stop myself."

Santana wordlessly snatched the confection from the other girls hand, and dumped it in the trash can next to her.

"Thanks, I couldn't have done that on my own. You're like my junk food sponsor."

"I just didn't want you throwing up on me in the car."

"That would've been a possibility."

"I know." She said with the world weariness of having had that particular experience happen before. "Do you think those two will get bored of that at some point?" She asked, pointing in the direction of the escalators that Rachel and Brittany were standing at the bottom of, watching the Slinky the blonde cheerleader had brought with her, continuously go down the moving stairs.


"Didn't think so." There was snark in her voice, but a smile on her face. Brittany's ability to find wonder in the smallest things had a way of being contagious, and she wasn't really surprised that Rachel had been drawn in.

Sometimes, she wondered what kind of person she would be without her fellow Cheerio around, and no matter how many times she thought this, she always came to the same conclusion - A lesser person. She needed Brittany, probably more than Brittany needed her. It was also becoming apparent that this was happening to Quinn and Rachel.

"I need a pee." The pregnant girl said.

"Lovely. Thanks for that update."

"You have to help me up."

Santana huffed and stood up, then held out her hand for the other girl to take. "Heave Ho!" She shouted as she pulled Quinn from her seat.

"Less of the Ho, thank you very much."

She laughed as she sat back down, fighting the temptation to just lie on the bench and close her eyes. She watched Brittany and Rachel have a brief conversation with Quinn as she went to the bathroom, then the two of them turned to her with wide, happy smiles, that made her feel the need to smile back. Not just because her friends being happy, made her happy, that was only a part of it, the other part was that they both had their faces painted, and the sight of a blonde haired cat wearing a tiara, and a bear with a very small cowboy hat on, just tickled her no end.

Her phone beeped at her and she pulled it out of her back pocket and read the text from her sister.

Hey, Just about to leave for Kate's, There's pizza on the counter, including one of those pointless non-cheese ones for Rachel If you haven't eaten yet, please do before you start drinking later.

We've eaten already.

OK, well they're there if you want them. Have a good time tonight. X

You too. X

And if you get arrested, I'm not bailing you out until tomorrow. X

Noted. X

She put her phone back in her pocket just as the cat and bear took a seat next to her. "You two done with the never ending Slinky already?"

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now