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Quinn put the laptop on the table and wiped the cat snot off of the screen with a paper towel, and then she gave the mangy ginger creature a stern telling off. He just gave her an unconcerned look and walked around in circles on her lap before sitting down. 'Well, at least he didn't sneeze on my food' She thought, and then ate another teeny, tiny onion.

She was waiting for the older Lopez sister to come back downstairs from her decapitated doll head practical joke on her sister, so she decided to see what other photos she had, because everyone just sent all of theirs to her at the end of the night. There were likely going to be ones Izzy wasn't going to care about, so she might as well sort through some of them now.

The next picture was from Puck's phone and it was only about twenty minutes after the snap game. Quinn smiled at it. It was of her, Rachel and Santana, all sitting on the tatty couch in 'The Barn', and she and the taller brunette, bookending the semi-conscious, but very happy looking Diva.

Quinn and Santana watched as Brittany and Mike danced to one of the songs from the 'Songs That Sound Awesome When Drunk' CD, While Mercedes, Tina and Kurt were pretending they were in a soap opera, and doing things like, walking off in the middle of a conversation, forcing the other person to talk to the back of their head. And Puck, Matt and Artie were quoting lines from Showgirls, mostly saying, 'Everybody got AIDS and shit' and finding it the most hysterical thing. Every, single, God-damn time.

Santana shifted in her seat turning to face the blonde. "You know. I don't want you take this the wrong way, but sometimes I think you've got multiple personalities."

"How could I possibly take that the wrong way?" Quinn quirked an eyebrow.

"You might, or you might not take it the wrong way. I don't know which one of you I'm talking to."

"I don't have D.I.D, I'm just not totally balanced with my emotions. I am a teenager, and I am entitled to be inconsistent."

"Whoa! You even know the terminology."

"That's because I've seen that show with the woman from 'Sixth Sense' in, about this very subject, as it happens. You Tart." Quinn flashed her friend a grin and took a swig of her water.

Santana laughed "Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses."

"Somebody's hand is on my ass."

Both girls looked down at Rachel, and then looked at her ass. Quinn glared at Santana, who moved her hand away quickly.

"Sorry, I thought it was a cushion."

"Yeah right." She narrowed her eyes at her friend.

Rachel sat up, finding herself squashed between the two girls' and she looked at Quinn, then looked at Santana and chuckled before closing her eyes and leaning back.

"She crazy too. So it doesn't matter that you've got a disorder." Santana shrugged and chugged her beer.

"Are you saying I'm crazy, Santana Lopez?" Rachel asked with a smile, but still kept the same position.

"I've said it more than once my friend. And I will continue saying it. Because you are, and that's why I like you."

"That's not the only reason." The singer said knowingly, turning her head towards her friend, but keeping her eyes closed.

"Oh? What do you suppose the other reasons are, exactly?"

Before Rachel could reply, Batman strolled over, taking a photo and said, "Hello ladies."

"Get lost Puckerman." Santana said with a laugh.

"Noah!" Rachel shouted happily and her eyes snapped open.

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now