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The delicious aroma of food cooking was making Quinn's stomach grumble, and she patted her belly with her book and told it to shush. It usually took Izzy three hours to make lunch on a Sunday, and it had only been an hour and a half since she threw Quinn out of the kitchen. The blonde smacked her lips in anticipation, and went back to reading.

She didn't mind getting on with the book, she was over half way through it and the knowledge that it would be over soon alleviated the feeling that she was wading through literary tar. Although, her amiable mood towards the book probably had something to do with her current position; lying down in bed, with Rachel tucked up cosy in the nook of her arm, and the singers hand resting itself on her bump, while the blonde was stroking the other girls' hair. The Diva had rolled into that position not long after Quinn had had to move from a sitting position because her back ached, and it was probably the only time she was happy to be in pain.

"Good morning."

Quinn looked up to see Santana and Brittany standing in the doorway of the bedroom; both of them wearing incredibly dopey smiles. "You two are finally up." She said quietly, and checked to see if Rachel had stirred.

"We decided to have a nice, relaxing Sunday." Brittany said as she rested her chin on the taller brunettes shoulder. "We've been looking at the rainbow outside for ages."

The pregnant girl turned to face the window, and smiled. "I hadn't even noticed that."

"Maybe you should start paying closer attention to things around you." Santana said, and Quinn turned back to her friend and gave her a curious look. She was clearly missing something.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing." The brunette quirked her brow. "Or maybe everything. Who is to say?"

"You're being really weird right now." The blonde frowned.

"I know. My brain feels like it's covered in cotton wool; everything is all muffled." The taller brunette shrugged.

"Hang over?"

"Yeah. And super tired."

"No caffeine!" Quinn warned. "You need a detox from that stuff."

"Bossy Boots."

"Caffeine junkie."

"God, even my name calling is sub-par today." The Latina groaned. "When did you wake up?"

"Since you screamed the house down."

"But, that was like, hours ago. Have you been in here this entire time?"

"Izzy threw me out of the kitchen. I didn't know where else to go."

Santana smirked, looking between Quinn and Rachel. "Couldn't have gone into the lounge and watched some TV or anything? You just had to come back in here, didn't you? So, have you made a creepy top ten list of adorable things Rachel does when she's asleep?"

"No! I only got up to four." She grinned, and her friend had to stifle a chuckle.

"You want company?" Brittany asked. "Me and San were going downstairs to see if we can find something good to watch, but we can stay here if you want."

"I'm pretty sure Quinn's happy, exactly where she is, B."

"Because she's feeling up Rachel?"

This time Santana couldn't quieten her laugh, especially at seeing Quinn's panicked expression. "Enjoy yourself Tubbers." She said as she took the taller blondes hand, and pulled her out of the room.

"You know, if anything, I'm the one feeling you up." Rachel mumbled onto the blonde's shoulder.

Quinn stiffened. "How long have you been awake?"

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now