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Quinn was eased into wakefulness by the feeling of pressure on her stomach. Her first assumption was that she needed to use the bathroom, because that was what it usually was, but after a few seconds she realized that she could hear Rachel talking quietly, and when she slowly opened one of her eyes she saw that she was in the singers bed and the other girl was lying on her back, resting her head next to her bump, and was talking to Baby.

She frowned as she wondered why she wasn't in her own bed, then vaguely recalled there had been a film and not remembering anything passed the opening credits. She wasn't exactly shocked that she'd fallen asleep, it had happened so many times over the last few weeks and it had been mostly in the house, and sometimes in school too. She'd been woken up by teachers at the end of class on a number of occasions and sometimes she'd wake up of her own accord from having the sensation of drool on her face. But this was the first time she'd slept an entire night in Rachel's bed, and she prayed that she didn't talk in her sleep.

She resisted the urge to move into a more comfortable position, and tried to concentrate on what Rachel was saying without making her aware that she was awake. The normally loud singer was being quieter than usual and the only things Quinn could make out were murmuring, a few hand gestures and bobs of the head, as if the singer were having an actual conversation with her unborn child. The blonde allowed herself a smile, only a small one, just in case Rachel somehow heard it and stopped what she was doing.

After the birthing class last night, she wasn't surprised that the other girl was chatting to the baby, because the woman in charge had talked about the benefits of talking and physically interacting with the fetus, as much as possible. She missed a few things that had been said, because she kept zoning out, but Rachel remembered everything. This was another reason she was the perfect partner.

She continued watching as the bobbing and gestures continued until there was a dramatic arm flourish and Quinn heard, "New York." but then the Diva went back to being inaudible. Over the next few minutes she managed to catch the words, Broadway, Typewriter, Apartment, Cockroaches, and Zombies, this was the point when she inadvertently alerted the other girl to her being conscious, by laughing.

Rachel flipped over onto her stomach and arched a brow. "Were you listening in on my private conversation?"

"I was trying to, yes. Why were you talking about zombies?"

"That's for Baby and me to know." The Diva wriggled back up the bed so that they were face to face, and gave her a massive grin. "Happy birthday."

The trip from the middle to the top of the bed had made Rachel's hair a little messy and Quinn brushed it out of the smaller girls face, tucking it behind her ears. She left her hand resting on the back of her neck, twirling a few errant strands in her fingers. "Thank you."

"Do you want your presents now?" Rachel asked quietly, her eyes closing slightly.

"No." She smiled. "Can we just stay here for a minute?"

"Okay. But only for one minute, my Dad's have many things planned for today." And with that, Rachel's eyes shut completely.

The blonde watched as the other girls' features slowly relaxed, and she gently moved her hand down the smooth neck and across the strong jaw. It was a risky move, but God damn it, it was her birthday. Rachel didn't move, and Quinn couldn't tell if it was because she'd fallen asleep, or if she liked it. She brushed the tips of her fingers over the singers chin and just below that, oh so plump bottom lip, and stared, thinking how easy it could be to just shift herself forward a little.

Her phone buzzed and she yanked her hand away, clenching it into a fist for a moment then turned to the nightstand and flipped her phone open without looking at the I.D, she knew it was either Brittany or Santana.

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