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Sunday (Still)




"Om nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom."

"For the love of GOD, Lopez!"

Santana stopped pretending to eat the kitten's ear, and stared at Quinn. "What?"

"You have been doing that for the last fifteen minutes. You need to stop it now. Some of us are trying to watch TV."

The Latina lifted up the kitten to cover her face, and said, in a mock voice; "You are such a grouch.""And then she lowered her new favourite thing in the world, and stood up. "What should we call her?"

"Mrs. Miggles." Rachel suggested.

"No, that's a really stupid name, Munchkin."

"Then I'm all out." The Diva shrugged.

"Anyone else?" She asked the two blondes.

"No." Brittany frowned. "San, you're standing in front of the screen." And she waved her hand to indicate to the taller brunette to move.

"Fine." Santana grumbled, and walked into the dining room where Izzy and the Mr. B's were relaxing after the huge meal.

It had been nice having so many people over for lunch; the most there had ever been before was four. And the extra two were usually Brittany and Quinn. It was also nice seeing Izzy converse with adults, Santana so rarely saw it - she forgot that her sister became a different person when it happened.

"- For the first three months after I came out here to take care of her; Ana would run away every week. I'd spend hours searching for her - Calling out her name - and generally sobbing at having lost a six year old child. I'd find her eventually. Once I found her sleeping under the park bench that tramp sleeps on. I laugh now, but at the time, it was hell."

Santana gave her sister a brief look as she remembered those incidents from her childhood. At the time she never considered how her sister would feel at her constant running away. All she cared about was that this woman she didn't know had replaced her mom.

"You don't look like you're laughing. In fact you look quite pensive." Lucas said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, actually, remembering it now is still is upsetting."

"Rachel never did anything quite as stressful. Sometimes we'd find her in the bathtub with her pillow and blanket. But never sleeping under a homeless man."

Izzy narrowed her eyes at her sister and shook her head. "It's not surprising that she was such a tearaway when she was a kid. She's still one now."

"Hey!" Santana said defensively as she grabbed four bottles of water from the fridge, and hugged them precariously under the arm that wasn't holding the kitten, and made her way back to the lounge.


"Yeah." She turned to look at Izzy.

"I want to hold the little ball of fluff now."

"Oh, yeah sure." She leaned down to pass the white kitten over to her sister, and then pulled away quickly. "Nah." Then she strode back into the other room, and handed out the drinks.

"Kitten hogger!" Izzy shouted.

Just as she was about to sit down, Quinn started wriggling manically, and after some effort, finally stood up. "I have to be at Mike's soon." The blond held out her hand. "Car keys."

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