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Rachel sat cross legged on the bed waiting for Quinn to finish her shower. The blonde had given the singer her phone to look at the photos from last night to pass the time - and she had had gone from laughing, to being completely mortified - many, many times as she examined the pictures.

She didn't even remember some of these things happening. But she was clearly awake when most of the photos were taken.

As she pressed the button to select the next picture, something in the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she turned to look at the doorway; just in time to see Santana launch herself onto the bed in one long jump, and land on her stomach; causing Rachel to topple over.

"Santana." The Diva said with the annoyance of a parent scolding a child.

"Princess." The taller brunette replied with the grin of a child being caught doing something naughty, and not giving a crap.

"Why did you do that? I still feel a little bit sick." She huffed, and then reached over to the other girl, and poked her in the arm.

"Me too. Actually, I wish I hadn't done that now."

"Serves you right."

Santana sat back up; pulling Rachel up too, and the smaller girl smoothed her hair down then glowered at her friend. The taller brunette chuckled at this, and then gave the singer an annoyingly smug look. Rachel knew this look. They may not have been friends for long, but the four of them had spent so much time together it hadn't taken her long to pick up on quite a few of Santana's facial expressions. This one she had seen more times than she'd cared to, and it usually involved something to do with Quinn.

"So..." The Latina started, and cocked her head.

"Yes?" Rachel answered with the air of someone losing their patience.

"You and Tubbers have been getting all touchy recently. Took my advice did you?"

Rachel stopped glaring and ducked her head down; covering her face with her hair. "Maybe." She answered; her voice getting a little bit higher; like she was excited, and then shook her head in embarrassment. She looked back up at her friend, and noted that this information seemed to please Santana.

Before they had gone to the party last night, Santana had told her to be 'More affectionate' with Quinn, and although she had initially taken this advice with some trepidation, the more she drank, the easier it became. Even after she woke up this morning - relatively sober - she felt bold enough to flirt. At least that's what she hoped she' been doing. She lacked experience in that particular social ritual to know for certain.

"Maybe? You so coy Berry." Santana slapped her on the arm playfully.

"Well... I've been doing what you said; although I'm not sure how well I've been doing it. And I can't really tell if she's reciprocating." She shrugged helplessly. "She did say she wants to see me in a Cheerio's uniform though." She added.

"Hmm." The taller brunette frowned thoughtfully.

"That could be considered flirtatious. Don't you think?" Rachel asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Yeah!" Santana nodded enthusiastically. "I mean... Yeah. You could borrow one of my spares - just for a day though, and don't let Sue catch you wearing it or she slice the two of us in half. While wearing the uniform. And then she'll charge us for the damage."

"I don't know." The smaller girl answered doubtfully. "What if it isn't what I think it is? I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"Never stopped you before."

"Santana!" Rachel groaned.

"Sorry. I can't stop myself sometimes."

"I know." The Diva rolled her eyes. "Thank you for helping me through this; and not tormenting me about it. Which must be hard for you."

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now