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Rachel stood in the middle of the choir room smiling at the applause and wolf whistles that were greeting her; Santana grabbed her hand and whispered, "Bow." Out of the corner of her mouth, and the two girls bowed.

She was incredibly pleased with herself. It was their first proper rehearsal in front of people of the song they were going to do next week, and it was most definitely a success. The last few days she had been wearing Santana's boots as often as she could, practicing her walking at first, then gradually up to dancing. Her dads hadn't been exactly thrilled when they saw her walking around the house in them, but Quinn had been very encouraging. Now the aching feet and blisters had truly paid off.

Brittany stood up from her chair and grinned at her. "Rachel, that was really hot."

"Hey!" Santana gave the blonde an annoyed look. "What about me?"

"You always look hot."

"And don't you ever forget it." The Latina winked. "Anyway, I take it you folks liked it?"

"Hell yeah!" Puck shouted, and Mike nodded his head enthusiastically in response. "But I think we might've missed some of it, you should do it again?" The boy said waggling his eyebrows.

"Not a chance. We do it again and Rachel will be drowning in your drool."

"Ew!" The Diva said scrunching up her face in disgust. "That is not pleasant imagery."

Santana snorted at her before moving to pick up the bottles of water from the piano. "It's true." She said handing one to Rachel. "I gotta agree with B though Rach. You did look hot. Shame Tubbers isn't here to see it."

The singer scowled at the dark haired cheerleader. Since their, almost conversation on Monday about whether or not she liked Quinn - in that way - she and the other girl had had many actual conversations about it. At first she had been apprehensive discussing it with Santana, she wasn't sure that she was the best person to work her feelings out with, but the Latina had proven to be very good sounding board, and thanks to their talks, she had figured out that she did in fact like Quinn - in that way - although, she didn't know how to proceed with that information, and being told to just kiss the blonde wasn't helpful in the least. But now Santana teased her endlessly about it. And although she knew it was in good humour, it still made her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sure she'll have other opportunities." The Diva said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm sure she will, Cupcake." Santana grinned.

"You've had your free pass today."

"That wasn't name-calling. That was a term of endearment."

"Hmm." Rachel gave the other girl a dubious look, then made her way to the chair her bag was on, delving inside for her phone. "Well, I'm going to see if Quinn is awake now." And she pressed two on her speed dial.

"It's afternoon." The Latina frowned. "If she isn't awake now, then we need to go to your house and throw some ice cold water over her!"

"Shush, it's ringing." Rachel said with a gesture of her hand to indicate for Santana to be quiet. And her friend responded with her own hand gesture.

"Why didn't you wake me? I am so very late for school right now." Quinn asked with a chuckle.

"You were exhausted."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because you did wake up, for a little bit anyway."

"I did?"

"Mmm hmm. Around seven. You came downstairs, got the orange juice from the fridge and a glass from the cupboard, then proceeded to pour the juice down the sink, put the glass in the fridge and gave the empty carton to me. Then you told me 'Back hurt' and went back to bed. I made a judgment call to let you sleep and Dad wrote you a note for school."

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang