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Quinn took a quick glance at the clock on the laptop she was on and let out a long breath. It was just gone three thirty in the morning, and she wasn't tired, which was why she was using Santana's computer to pass the time, and also so she could put the photo's that had been taken during her birthday party on a screen bigger than two inches. There had been a lot of pictures and it seemed like it was taking forever to upload.

She let out another long breath, shook her head slightly and smiled.

A soft bang coming from the kitchen made her turn to look, and after a few quiet moments she heard someone singing- "Spider-man, Spider-man, he can do whatever a Spider-man can, spins his web, catches flies, turns them into delicious pies. Look out! Here comes Spider-man."

Okay, so what was it with these Lopez sisters making up weird rhymes? Sure it was endearing, and usually funny, but was this some sort of genetic thing?

As she was about to get up to go and see Izzy, the woman in question came through the door holding a tray apparently having some sort of conversation with herself. She decided to wait until Izzy noticed her, just in case the conversation was important, and she watched as the woman put the tray down on the dining table, look at what was currently covering the table, and then laugh. "Hot diggity damn! They pulled it off."

Quinn bit her lip to stop her chuckle. Izzy really should've been pissed at what they had managed to 'Pull Off' but she actually sounded a little surprised, and more than a little proud. The older Lopez sister picked up her tray and turned to walk towards the couch then let out a yelp. "Quinn! You scared the Bejesus out of me. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."

"I was here first." She answered with a smirk.

"Pft. Meaningless details." Izzy waved her hand like she was brushing away Quinn's excuse, and unsteadily made her way to sit next to her on the couch. "What are you doing up anyway? It's really late."

"Couldn't sleep." She shrugged. "Too wired."

"Okay. I've got..." Izzy frowned and opened up the container that was on her tray. "Steak. I don't remember ordering this; I thought I asked for chocolate fudge cake. Hm. Anyway, would you like some? There's a lot of it."

The pregnant girl looked down at the food, and then back up at the woman. "I'll get a knife."

"No. No. You stay here. I've seen how long it takes you to get up from the sofa." The older woman gave a snort, handed Quinn the food and pushed herself up with a grunt. After some general kitchen clanging, she came back with a plate and some cutlery then proceeded to cut up the meat and hand the plate over to the blonde. "Voila. Sustenance!"

"Much obliged."

They ate in relative silence, with only the odd hum from Izzy, and the tip-tapping of the keys on the laptop. "You get grease on Ana's computer, and she'll kill you."

"Nah." Quinn said confidently. "She won't."

"No, probably not. But she'll be really miffed, and shout at you."

"I'm immune to her bellowing. Years of it, in incredibly large doses, have seen to that."

"Yeah she's right cow. I don't know how you put up with her."

"Same reason you do."

"She's family and you love her." Izzy nodded approvingly. "What are you doing anyway?" The woman asked closing one eye while squinting the other.

Quinn turned the screen to her. "I'm looking at the photos from tonight."

"Oooh." Izzy brightened up, and then quirked an eyebrow at her. "You realize that it's tomorrow now though. Right?"

Faberry (We Might Fall Hard, We Might Fall Fast)Where stories live. Discover now