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Now, I know there's only a few weeks left of the school year," Will Schuester waved his arms excitedly as he addressed his pupils in the choir room "and we were lucky enough to be given a second chance by Sue, but we still have to think of next year." He looked at Rachel for a long moment, but the brunette wasn't paying attention. She was in her own little world.

"We need to be better." He continued with a hint of disappointed that Rachel seemed to be disinterested. "We were so close at regionals, it just wasn't enough. We have to work harder."

"Yeah, but we worked our asses off this year!" Puck scoffed. "And where did that get us?"

"I think, considering we were only a fledgling club, we did incredibly well! With more practice, we can only get better." Will clasped his hands together, as if in some sort of prayer. "I'm sure Rachel has some ideas." He gestured towards her, but got nothing. "Rachel?" He asked tentatively.

"Noah's right. What's the point?" The singer finally spoke.

Puck shook his head slightly. "That's not exactly what I said, Rach."

"It might as well have been. We're going to lose next year too. Why should we be happy that Coach Sylvester gave us a reprieve? We'll fail anyway."

"You don't know that, Rachel." Will approached her tentatively, and every Gleek in the room held their breath.

It had been less than a week since they'd lost regionals, and more importantly since Quinn had given birth and moved back in with her mother; and taking Baby Beth Lily with her. Rachel didn't even know it had happened until after it happened. She'd got home from school and found a note on her bed.

And she hadn't been her usual positive and bubbly self since.

Puck had been right - Quinn's mother had got inside her daughters head and now she was back at that miserable house, and no one had been able to see her. Everyone that went near the house was immediately sent away by Judy Fabray.

"You're right Mr. Schuester." Rachel stood up abruptly and picked up her bag. "I don't know that. But quite honestly, I don't care about this" She waved her hand around the room. "right now." And she began to walk out.

"Rachel, there's no need to leave."

"Perhaps Not. I appreciate what you're trying to do Mr. Schue, but I'm not feeling especially gleeful, and my mood will only be a hindrance to everyone here." She glanced over to her team mates and gave them a sad smile before she left the room.

"Should someone go after her?" Tina asked looking around.

"I dunno. Maybe she should be left alone." Santana said, and Brittany took her hand as she stared at the swinging door the singer had just gone through.

"I'll do it." Everyone turned to look at Puck.

"Is that a good idea?" The Latina asked. "I mean, she looks like she could crack at any moment."

"Don't you think that's a damn good reason to go after her?"

"I guess." She shrugged. "I just... I don't know what to say to her. Do you?"

"Not really, but someone's gotta try. I don't want to feel all guilty if she does crack, and one of us could've done something to stop it."

"Good luck!" Artie said, and gave him the thumbs up.

"Yeah." Santana sucked in her lips. "Tell her I'll call her later."

"Sure." He nodded, and ran out of the choir room.

It didn't take him long to catch up to Rachel, as she was standing in the school enterance under cover from the rain and just staring up at the sky. He stood next to her and put his hands in his pockets, and rocked back on his feet.

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