4 Do we have a problem?.

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Casey pov.
I got up and dressed then went to Luke's to see my girlfriend of two months. Yes it's been two months and we're doing just fine. Luke actually likes me but he doesn't like dean with rory. I just don't know why. I walk in and see Journey. She said" Good morning Casey. Just give me a minute and I'll be over." She smiles as she talks to a customer. I sit down at one of the tables and then she comes over with chocolate chip pancakes and some hot chocolate. For the both of us. We eat then it was time for her to get to the bus. I walk her to the bus stop then I got on with her so I can get there later today. Journey said" what are you doing." I smile as she said" fine don't tell me." I laugh then I said" I'm picking you up so we can go on a date tonight." She smiles and said" for our two months anniversary." I smile. Then I kiss her cheek as she gets up and off the bus. Then I see two guys come to Rory and Journey. They followed them in the building. Journey haven't told me about them. No one better mess with my girl. Or my cousin's girl. I got to school late but oh well.

Journey pov.
I got to class and see Paris. I said" Good morning Paris." She nods as lou smiles and Madeline said" morning Journey." I smile. It is nice to have friends beside just Rory and Lane. I sit down beside them. Then Michael walked in and sit down behind me. I hate it. He is always doing it. I told him that I have a boyfriend but he didn't care.

Michael pov.
I am more journey's type. With her grandparents and her great grandparents. I belong with her. Not some hick named Casey. I will have her. She will see who is better for her.

Casey pov.
I told Dean about the guys. He said" I know that our girls wouldn't do any thing to hurt us." I nod as we get there. Dean parked then we got out and lean on it. Yup the topical boyfriend stuff.

Journey pov.
I get my stuff together then Michael said" Journey maybe we could study some time." I said" I don't think that is a good idea. I'm sorry." I got up and walk out. I hear him walking behind me. I see Tristian standing by the door. I said" Hey where did Rory go." He nods to the parked vehicle. I look to see my boyfriend still leaning on the front of the car. I smile as I drop my stuff and ran into his arms.

Casey pov.
I smirk as I see Rory run to dean. I'm still waiting for journey. I'll wait all day if I had to. I see her with the guy from before behind her. I saw she drop her stuff and ran into my open arms. I smile as she giggled. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I said" hard day." She nods. Dean said" so who are the two guys who looked jealous." Journey said" oh that's just Tristian and Michael." I said" journey go get your stuff so we can go." She smiles and went back over. I love her. That's actually what I'm going to tell her tonight.

Journey pov.
I walk to my bags and Tristian said" so that's your and Mary's boyfriend's." I nod Michael said" with your two who you are you could do better." I said" actually no he could do better but he chose me. I'm lucky and leaving." Then as I am walking away. I feel a hand grab my waist and I look to see Michael. I said" let me go. I have a boyfriend." He laughs as I see Casey with dean and rory coming over. Casey said" do we have a problem.?" Michael said" no of course not. Hick." Michael let me go and walk away. I go to Casey as he walks me to the back seat. We split off for a bit I got changed so did rory. Then dean got rory and after a couple minutes Casey walk in the diner. We told dad bye and left. He told me to a little drive in movie theater. So as we were watching the movie he rise his arm over my shoulders. I trust him. Then we took a walk around town. Then we stop at the diner door. He said" Journey may I say that you are truly beautiful and I'm lucky to call you my girl." I smile and said" I'm lucky to have you as a boyfriend." He smiles and said" Journey I love you." I smile and said" Casey I love you too." He smiles and leans in we kiss but then the door opens and dad said" alright that's enough." I laugh as Casey nod and said" good night. " I smile and wave. Then I went to bed thinking about him. Is it to soon to actually say I love you. Maybe. Oh well.

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