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Finn pov.
I wake up. I walk in the community room to see Journey talking to Logan. Logan said" dear God finn go put on some clothes." I look down I'm only in my boxers. I look up to see Logan holding his hands on Journeys eyes. I went to get dressed. I get back out there to see Logan gone and Journey looking at herself in a mirror. I said" Journey what are you doing." She said" I'm going on a date tonight. I thought I told you. Or maybe it was colin. Oh well." I said" who is he." She said" a old friend of mine. Don't wait up." I smile as she walks out the door. I said" oh I'm waiting up." I sit down on the couch and stayed until she came back.

Journey pov.
I hope Michael haven't changed. I have missed him.
Michael and I met at some Coffee cart. Then he said" Journey how are you." I smile as I hug him. I said" I can't believe that we are at the same school." He smiles as we get our coffee and walk around the campus. We get to my tree. It was a beautiful big tree. We sit down and Michael said" so miss Dines do you want to come with me to a party this weekend." I said" I'm not ready a party person. Maybe you could come over to my community room and hang out with me I mean my room mates might come and go but they will go." He smiles and nods. We haven't seen the time so far. But I look at my watch. I have to get up early in the morning. I said" I'm sorry Michael but I have to go I have a class early in the morning." He smiles and said" why don't I walk with you." I smile as we starting walking to my room.

Michael pov.
Journey is still very beautiful. I want to make her mine since we are in the same place. Maybe tomorrow night I can. So we get to her room and I said" Journey can I use your bathroom I'm sorry but I still need to tell you something." She nods as she walks in and said" it's over there and finn what are you doing." I see a guy laying on the couch almost asleep. Who is he." He got up and said" oh Journey your home good Logan colin Journey is here." I see two guys come out of two of the rooms. One said" little cuz what are you doing out so late." The other guy said" are you cheating on me Journey I love you." I said" Journey I will catch you later." I kiss her cheek and walked out the door. I hear" that's right get out you better back off my girl." I heard Journey said" colin shut up I'm not your girl." I smile as I went down the stairs.

Journey pov.
I walk in my room and I turn to close the door the three of them were right there. I said" what." Logan said" I don't think he is good enough for you." Finn said" I think he is just after what you still have." I look at him and said" that would be." He said" your virginity. He is just a guy any way." I said" so what your a guy." Finn said" yeah so what I would ask before I took it. He wouldn't." I look at him then I grabbed my bag and walked away.

Finn pov.
What did I say something. Logan said" man what would you actually fuck my cousin." I said" of course not. I was just saying." Please let him brought it. I mean Journey is a very beautiful young lady who is still very innocent. I think I am starting to feel something for her I mean I walk around in my boxers for a reason. I want to make a point. He said" okay so help me keep an eye on this guy." Colin said" Journey is like my own girlfriend I don't have." Logan and I laugh as we all went to our rooms and sleep.

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