Chapter 1: How She Got Here

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How did Zelda end up here? Well it all started when a particular brunette strutted down her stairs like she had ever right to be there. 

After the exorcism, Zelda had tried talking some sense into Sabrina about staying away from that woman. But of course, Sabrina didn't listen and resurrected Tommy with the woman's book. 

Zelda then made a quick trip to the insufferable woman's cottage to find no one there. Then to her office, which was unlike Zelda but who cared when her niece could be in more danger than she herself got her into. No luck. 

Then she went to Cerberus's and luckily found the woman there. They talked. It was pleasant, which annoyed Zelda because she came there to tell her to back off but ended up having a lunch date with the woman. 

She had asked her to come by the cottage for a cup of tea on Saturday and for some Satan knows why reason, she said yes. 

That's how Zelda ended up here, seven Saturdays later, drinking tea with Mary Wardwell. 

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