Chapter 9: The Sink

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"Here is the plan. We find the sink, buy it then we install it. With magic obviously." Lilith nodded in agreement. 

"That sounds easy enough. But how are we going to get it back to my place?" Lilith and Zelda walked on the sidewalk, leading up to Greendale Hall. 

"We will use magic to make it lighter. It's no big deal." Lilith shrugged. 

Zelda thought along, letting her mind wander. The two walked past a couple of boys, around the age of one's Lilith taught. Something hit Zelda. She doesn't teach anymore, she is principle now...but how did she...

"You killed Hawthorne...didn't you?" Lilith chuckled. 

"That was unexpected but," They crossed the street, walking quickly for the stopped cars. "Someone had to." 

Zelda half smiled at that. They came to the local library. Zelda glanced into the window. They continued downtown until they reached the department store. Lilith sighed. Zelda opened the door, letting Lilith ahead of her. The bell at the top of the door rang as they entered the warm store. 

"Hello ladies! What can I do for you?" Keith Tapper, Carl Tapper's father, walked towards them. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. His fingers were stained with oil and dirt. 

Lilith gave him a kind smile, "I'm looking for a sink. Mine is leaking and the plumper said he couldn't fix it." Zelda wanted to huff but smiled instead. 

"Follow me." The two women followed the large man. Zelda noticed a cowlick shaded a light grey sticking out from under his cap. 
"Do you ladies know what sink you have?" 

Lilith shrugged, "No, I'm afraid not." Zelda sort of admired how well Lilith could talk to people. Zelda had never been a people person, let alone a mortal people person. 

"That's alright. We will get you two hooked up with something newer...less chance of it leaking. How bad was the leaking." 

"Soaked the floor pretty bad, didn't it?" Zelda obliviously replied. Lilith wanted to laugh but instead just hummed. They followed the man towards the back of the store. There was a few sinks on countertops. Large yellow price stickers stuck on them. 

"This one is newer and works like a charm." He pointed to a white pearly sink. Zelda looked at the price tag and back at Lilith. 

"Only $70...not bad." Lilith smiled up at Zelda. Damn did she ever hate being shorter than the woman. 

"We'll take it." 

"Do you need it delivered and installed?" 

"Oh no we have that under control." Mr. Tapper went to the back. Later returning with a large box. 

"It's pretty heavy. Are you sure you don't want it delivered?" Mr. Tapper raised a brow. 

"Really, it's fine." Lilith placed her hand on Zelda's forearm, "She'll carry it for me, right dear?" Zelda, obliviously, nodded.

"This way then." They walked to the counter. Zelda paid. 

The two walked out of the store and Lilith instantly began giggling. 

"What is so funny?" Lilith laughed harder. 

"You are so oblivious, Zelda Spellman." 

"No I am not!" Zelda huffed and walked across the street, leaving Lilith behind. 

"Wait!" Lilith caught up, handing her the box. 
"Carry it for me?" 

Zelda sighed, taking the box from Lilith. 
"Why am I so oblivious?" Zelda said with a dry tone. 

"Because you didn't say anything or… make any face when Mr. Tapper thought we were a couple." Zelda stopped. 

"W-what?" "Do you ladies know what sink you have?"  "I'll get you two hooked up." "Soaked the floor pretty bad, didn't it?"  "She'll carry it for me, right dear?" 
Zelda stopped. 
"Oh Satan, I am oblivious, aren't I?" 

Lilith chuckled, leaning into Zelda, "You even paid for me! Now Mr. Tapper thinks we are a couple." Zelda started to laugh. 

"He's very mistaken." They walked past a small diner, Lilith stopped. 

"Want to grab something to eat?" Zelda hesitated but nodded. 

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