Chapter 15: Make Her Move

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Lilith woke up in a mess of blankets. She signed, trying to sit up. Her thighs stung, a piercing pain causing a gasp to leave her lips. She slowly sat up, gripping the sheets firmly. She had work today and had no clue how she was going to manage through the day. 

Lilith got dressed and left for work, not surprised to instantly be met with Sabrina in her office. 

"I understand but you can't get into fights like this." Sabrina sighed, leaning back in the chair. "I mean it's your first day back at school and you're already fighting with the jocks?" 

"They were picking on Su- Theo again!" Lilith sighed. 

"Get to class, Sabrina. I'll have to call your aunt though." Sabrina nodded, standing up. Lilith watched the girl swing her bag over her shoulder and leave the office. Lilith took this as an opportunity to talk to Zelda. 

She rang the mortuary, only to be met with Hilda's cheery voice. 

"Spellman Sister's Mortuary, this is Hilda." 

"Hilda, this is Mary Wardwell. Is Zelda around?" Hilda smiled. 

"Yes she is. Be a minute." Lilith waited, needing to hear her voice after what happened with the Dark Lord the previous day. 



Zelda blushed, not expecting her tone of voice. "Mary… why are you calling?" 

"Sabrina got into a fight. She was defending Theo. But I don't see this as a big problem. Anyways, want to come over tonight?" Zelda snorted, instantly blushing. Lilith laughed, knowing the woman was embarrassed. 

"Sure and… tell Sabrina she's grounded." 

"Will do. Bye, Zelda." 

"Bye, Mary." Lilith smiled, hanging up the phone. It was time to make her move. 

1) I know this is really short! 2) Yes I haven't updated in a month but I was getting serious writers block with this fic BUT now I'm back. I also have some more updates to do tonight so those will be coming shortly.

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