Chapter 19: Lucifer's Plans

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After Lilith had told Zelda the entire story of why she was sent to Greendale, she was surprised that the woman was more upset about the marriage than the apocalypse or that Lilith had lied to her for so long. 

Zelda immediately decided they needed to put together a plan and stop Lucifer's. She was stern with having a family meeting, where they can discuss this among everyone. Lilith was concerned over how Sabrina might react to finding out Lilith had been behind Lucifer's plans the whole time. And that she killed her favorite teacher. 

But Zelda brushed away these concerns, and really hammered down that they needed to make a plan as soon as possible. 


Zelda and Lilith stared at the other three Spellmans, as they tried to think of a way to explain the whole story in the easiest way possible. Zelda instructed Lilith to start, as soon as Sabrina's questions on why they were doing this had subsided. 

"The end of days is upon us-" 

"Lilith! Didn't we say we were going to do this in the easiest way not to drive dramatic reactions from them!" 

"Lilith?" Sabrina whispered, confusion fogging her mind. 

"Yes but we need to get right to the point! Anyways, the end is coming. The apocalypse. Lucifer's great plan to end all of humanity with Sabrina as… his queen." Sabine eyes widened and her mouth fell agape. 


Zelda sighed, resting her hand upon her forehead. "Beezlebub have mercy." 

Lilith shot her a quick look before continuing on with the over dramatic explaining of the situation. "Sabrina, Lucifer will walk the Earth, emerging from the Kinkle mines to-." 

"What about the apocalypse bit again?" Hilda asked, not really following along. 

Lilith bit her lip, closing her eyes in annoyance, "Lucifer wants to take over Earth, releasing the creatures from the pits of Hell to reek havoc among mortals. You, Sabrina, will rule by his side while I, will lead the demons from the Gates of Hell." Lilith took a quick glance at Zelda. 
Zelda saw pain in the woman's eyes. Taking her hand, Zelda softly caressed it, comforting her. 

"How do you know all this exactly?" Ambrose finally chimed in. Zelda could tell he was having a very hard time taking this all in. Why wouldn't he be? The lord he's been worshiping his whole life wants to marry his sixteen year old cousin. 

"Well, dear boy, I'm not Mary Wardwell, that's for sure." Her gaze fell on Sabrina. 


"I'm Lilith. Mother of Demons. Dawn of Doom." She sighed, "First wife of Adam." 

Sabrina's face lit red, lips tight. Before she could say anything, Zelda threw up her hand in the girl's direction. 
"There will be no arguing over this, Sabrina. We need to set a plan on how we are going to stop the Dark Lord's plans." 

"But how are we going to do that if we don't know the extent of his plan?" Hilda glanced between the two women when they shared a look. 

Lilith smiled, two intimidating rows of pearly sharp teeth. "I just happen to know the whole thing. Every...last... detail." 

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