Chapter 5: The Running Tap

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Zelda woke up to the sound of singing. She sat up, cupping her face in her hands. Signing, she looked around the room. There was steam rising from the top of the bathroom door. 
The door was open a bit and Zelda could see Lilith standing in the shower. 
She got up and looked for her clothes. Fuck! She left them in the bathroom. 
Zelda carefully opened the door and stepped into the bathroom. The room was filled with steam and Lilith's singing. 
She spotted her clothes in the corner of the room and went to grab them. The water taps turned off and Zelda froze. 
She grabbed her clothes and turned around. Before she made it out, she heard. 

"Mind grabbing me a towel?" Zelda blushed and handed the woman a towel that was handing on the door. Lilith stepped out, towel wrapped around her. 
"Spying on me?" 

Zelda's eyes widened, "" 

"I'm only kidding. Do you need a shower?" Zelda shook her head. 
"Well do you mind leaving the bathroom, so I can change?" Zelda turned and left. Lilith chuckled. 

Zelda sat at the counter, smoking, when Lilith entered the room. Her makeup and hair done and her body clad in a dark green dress. 
"Hungry? Coffee?" 

"I'll have a cup but I'm not very hungry." Lilith put on a pot and then sat down across from Zelda. 

"I can make you toast?" 
Zelda shook her head. 

"I need to get back to the mortuary." Lilith frowned. 

"You can always stay longer, if you like?" Zelda hesitated. She found herself doing that alot when around the woman. 
Lilith took the hint from her not answering. "Okay. I'll drive you home." 

"No. I don't want anyone seeing me with you." Lilith turned her attention to the pot of coffee. 

"Okay. Then you can leave now." Zelda stubbed out her cigarette and looked up at Lilith. 

"Mary...I didn't mean it like that." 

"No, I know how you meant it." Lilith poured herself a cup of coffee and left the kitchen. Zelda went after her. 

"Mary I'm sorry." Lilith stopped and turned around. 

"It's fine. I get it. Your family doesn't know about you coming here." Zelda nodded. 

"Wanna go out? Like for a drive or a walk?" Lilith smiled and nodded. 

"Yes I would. Now go drink your coffee. I didn't make it for nothing." Zelda turned and headed back into the kitchen. 

Lilith and Zelda walked along the river side that ran near Mary's house. It was sunny and the snow was finally melting. 
It was a quiet walk. They didn't talk much but Zelda was happy for that. 

Afterwards, Lilith drove Zelda home but parked outside the property line, so no one would see who drove her. 

Entering the house, Hilda instantly ran to her. 

"For Satan's sake, Zelda! You could have told me you'd be out that long!" Zelda rolled her eyes. 

"I'm a grown witch. I can do as I please." Zelda went upstairs and into her room. She didn't have the patients to deal with anyone right now. 

"Hilda! Can you get that!" Silence. 

Right, she's at work. Zelda went to the phone, picking it up and holding it to her ear. 

"Spellman Sisters Mortuary. This is-" 

"Zelda. I was wondering if you can drop by the school? I have matters to discuss with you." Zelda sighed. 

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