Chapter 11: Hilda's Pep Talk

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"Zelda?" Hilda entered what used to be her and Zelda's room but was now only Zelda's. 

"What is it Hilda?" Zelda turned to look at her from her spot at the vanity. A deep blue silk nightgown clung to her curves. Auburn hair swept against her porcelain back. Hilda stared at her for a moment. Their whole childhood she had been jealous of her sister. Zelda was gorgeous. A woman you would never forget and all the boys and girls had their eyes on her. 
Hilda snapped out of her moment of reminiscing.

"Mary Wardwell called."

Zelda turned back to her mirror, trying to hide any reaction. 

"And what did that woman want? Especially at this late at night?" Hilda fumbled with the end of her yellow cardigan. 

"She told me to tell you that she wants you over tomorrow. That's all she said." Zelda sighed.

"Phone her again and tell her I'm busy." Hilda sighed, still playing with her cardigan. 

"Zelds? Do you not like Mary Wardwell?" Zelda snapped her head around to face her sister.

"Why would I like her?" 

"You seem to spend an awful lot amount of time with her-"

"Who I spend my time with is none of your business!" Hilda flinched. Looking down, to break the intense gaze from her sister, Hilda wanted to leave. Leave the room. Leave the house. Leave back to England, where she had friends and she didn't have to deal with her cruel sister anymore. Hilda thought of all the times Zelda had told her to grow a backbone. She straightened her shoulders, looking Zelda right in the eyes. 

"Zelda...I think you do like her but your too afraid. Now I know I might end up in the Cain Pit but you need to start facing your feelings. She's a nice enough woman and maybe you two would really hit it off if you weren't so scared of commitment and feelings. Why don't you grow a backbone and go to that woman's house tomorrow. Hm?" Zelda stared at Hilda in shock.


"No. You're going. End of discussion." Hilda turned, closing the door behind her. She smiled to herself, walking back to her room. Hilda laid down and prayed to Satan she wouldn't be brutally murdered in her sleep. 

Hilda is top dog in this house. Period.

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