Chapter 8: A Little Chat Between The Sisters

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Zelda got dressed in a form fitted navy suit. Her hair was curled and she looked as if she were glowing. The season was agreeing with her for sure. She made toast with peach jam and cut a banana up on the side. An espresso cup and a cigarette between her fingers. Hilda came down stairs and stopped abruptly as if someone had just hit her.

"You're up early."

"Had a good sleep that's all." Hilda made herself coffee and then sat at the table, across from her sister.

"How was your dinner with Ms. Wardwell?" Zelda shrugged.

"Wasn't horrible."

"I don't know if I trust her, see..." Hidla thought for a moment, "She seems like she has good intentions, especially because she wants Sabrina down the path of night but she's mysterious, ain't she?" Zelda shrugged and nodded.
"What was that? A 'I don't know' or 'yes'?"
Zelda huffed.

"Yes we don't know much about her but maybe that's what we need to do. We need to learn more about her. I know just the person to do that." Zelda gave Hilda a smirk and wink.

"Who?" Hilda furrowed her brows.

Zelda sighed, "Me! Keep up."

"Does she trust you though?"

"How would I know? I would have to make her trust me." Hilda took a sip of her coffee.

"And then you'll report back to me, hm?" Zelda hesitated then nodded.
"I have to get ready for work. Are you going to the Academy today?"

Zelda shook her head.

"At my break you can swing by the bookshop and we can have lunch, if you like?"

"I have a thing."

"A thing?"

"With...Ms. Wardwell. She needs a new sink."

"Just use magic!?"

"I know but it didn't work when she tried to fix it. So, we are going to buy her a new one." Hilda shrugged, putting her empty cup in the sink.

"Well have fun with that."

"I'll try."

I'm finally not sick anymore! I spent the whole day writing and making sure everything was good to post.

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