Chapter 3: Dezmelda's & A Casual Drink

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Zelda always enjoyed a walk through the woods, when it this time of year, with snow still on the ground. She knew Sabrina would be home by now and probably hanging out with Harvey. Zelda always implied never getting caught up in mortal affairs but she did admire how they could 'forgive' and 'forget' so easily. 

A small tear ran down Zelda's cheek as she thought of Leticia. Zelda turned around, walking backwards, as she looked at Dezmelda's small hut. It slowly faded as she continued walking backwards. Her back suddenly hit what felt like another person. Whipping around, Zelda almost scoffed. Out of all people that could he walking around in the woods at this time of day, it was Mary Wardwell. 

"Oh!" Lilith gasped, "Sorry, dear," holding a hand up to her chest. 

"It's fine, Mary." 

"What are you doing in the woods, dear?" The woman had no right to invade her privacy, even if they had a couple of casual meeting drinking tea. But that never stopped the woman before, so why should it now? 

"On a walk. I assume that's why you are here too?" Lilith nodded. 

"You know Dezmelda lives just right around that bend. I'm on my way to visit her right now actually." Zelda froze. A wide smile came across those blood red lips. What would she think once she found out I was delivered a baby onto the witch? No she wouldn't let her go. 

"Oh.." Zelda managed to get out, considering the growing lump in her throat. 

"I come visit her all the time…Is something wrong, Zelda? Your as white as the snow!" 

"" Zelda almost groaned. What was that? 

"I best be continuing then-" 

"No!" Lilith stood there shocked, fighting back the urge to smirk. 

"I mean...walk with me?" The question burned Zelda throat. 

"I would love to." 
They walked down the path back towards the mortuary, side by side. They didn't talk the whole time, which was a good thing for Zelda. 

When Zelda left the mortuary, it was 5:30pm. Her and Dezmelda had talked for quite a while and she estimated it was probably around 6:45pm when they arrived just outside the property line. 

"Oh fuck." Zelda groaned at the sight of Dr. Cerberus's car parked beside the hearse. 

"Not to fond of the man?" Zelda shook her head. 

"I didn't really mind him till he started dating Hilda and practically lives with us. He's always here." Lilith studied the redhead. Her pale skin illuminated in the moonlight of the waxing moon. 

"You could always come by my place for a casual drink or two." Zelda turned, brows furrowed. 

Zelda hesitated. Lilith's eyes sparkled in the dark, her features even more prominent than usual. 
She knew she shouldn't. They had just seen each other a few nights prior and Zelda had vowed to herself to only go there once a week. 

Lilith nearly gasped. She expected the redhead to laugh and head inside the mortuary but this was a shock. 

"Lead the way, Mary." Zelda smiled down at her, considering Mary Wardwell was a bit shorter than Zelda. 

Lilith turned and started walking, Zelda followed not far behind. Mary's cottage wasn't far from the Spellman residence. Only a few streets away. 

The cold January air sent a shiver down Zelda's spin. She wasn't wearing her usual fur coat only a semi-thick blazer and pencil skirt. Lilith noticed this and began to take off her latex coat. Zelda was about to protest but Lilith shushed her. 
Lilith was a demoness. Hellfire coursed through her veins keeping her warm even in the freezing cold. 
Zelda let Lilith put the coat over her shoulders. 

"Aren't you going to be cold in...that." Zelda gestured to the rather thin green dress the woman wore. 

"Oh, I'm fine. This way." Lilith pointed down a small road left of the one they walked down. 

Zelda couldn't stop herself from letting her eyes drift down to the woman's rear. Her figure was perfect. Zelda had to snap her eyes away when Lilith suddenly turned. A smirk played at those perfect painted lips. 
"Like what you see, Zelda?" 

Zelda scoffed and picked up her pace. 

"Are you going to answer me?" Zelda turned towards her. Yes. Yes she did like what she saw but she wasn't going to just tell the woman that. 
So she stood there, not saying anything. 
Lilith opened her mouth, one corner of her mouth quirked upwards in amusement. A glimmer of mischief I'm her eyes. 

"That's it! I'm going home." Lilith stopped her from walking away. 

"No. I'm sorry. Please." Lilith doesn't beg. Exceptionally not to witches much lower in power than her but she wanted Zelda to come over. 

"Fine." They continued their journey and it wasn't long till they got to Mary's cottage. 

Lilith unlocked the door with a wave of her hand and they stepped inside. It was dark, except for the four bell lamps on each side of the sitting area. Lilith kicked off her heels as Zelda took off Lilith's coat from around her shoulders. 

"I'll get the glasses. Anything in particular you prefer?" Zelda shook her head. 

"As long as it's alcohol." Lilith chuckled, taking two glasses in her hands and setting them down on the table. 

"You don't mind if I slip into something more comfortable, do you?" Zelda shook her head. 
"Alright. I'll be right back. My alcoholic cabinet it right over there." Zelda went towards the large glass cabinet filled with different bottles. 
She grabbed a large bottle of bourbon, setting it down on the table. She poured both of their drinks then took a seat at one of the overstuffed chairs. 

Lilith returned shortly after, clad in an emerald green robe with a fair amount of cleavage handing out. 
She sat opposite from Zelda, taking a large swig from the glass. 

"Why do you not like Dr. Cee?" 
Zelda's eyes snapped up from where she had been staring at were met with crystal blue. 


"Sabrina is-" 

"It's different. She's my niece." Lilith relaxed back. 
"How's the new job been treating you?" 

"It's been a lot easier than I thought. I love the power I have." Zelda hummed. 

The two went quiet for awhile. Sitting by the fire, drinking their bourbon. 
An idea popped into Lilith's head, making her grin. 

"Where you coming from Dezmelda's when I saw you in the woods?" Zelda's eyes widened and she went a bit stiff. 


"You were coming from that direction, though." Zelda shook her head. It seemed hard lying the woman. Those blue eyes bore into you, making it feel like she knew every secret you ever had. 
"Zelda...I'm sure the baby will be fine." 

Zelda's cheeks went pale and her mouth went dry. 

"How do you know that?" It was impossible for the woman to know about the baby, unless, "Sabrina told you, didn't she?" 

"No, dear. I just know." That was the last straw. She couldn't just know. This means she was spying on them yet again. 

Zelda sat up from her seat, leaning down to look the witch in the eyes, "I swear to Satan if you tell anyone, I'll gut you like a fish." 

Lilith smirked, leaning forward. Their faces were inches apart. 
"I'd like to see you try." Zelda glanced down at Lilith's lips but she straightened up. 

"Nice seeing you, Ms. Wardwell. It's time for me to go." Zelda went to the door but before she opened it, Lilith called out. 

"I won't tell Blackwood." 
Zelda turned and she almost thanked her. But she just left the cottage without another word.

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