Chapter 4: A Night Spent With Mary Wardwell

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It was Zelda and Sabrina's third fight that week and it was only Friday. She was exhausted and wished there was a place she could go to get away from everyone. It was too late to go to the woods to see Leticia and she wasn't about to go to the Academy.
A thought crossed her mind and she wanted to get rid of it but it lingered.
Fuck it!
Zelda slipped on her coat and grabbed her purse.

"Where you off to, Auntie Zee?"

"Ambrose!" Zelda jumped. "I'm going out. Don't expect me home anytime soon."

Ambrose nodded and retreated back up the stairs.

Once Zelda got into her driveway, she pulled out her pack of cigarettes from her right pocket. Taking on out, she set it in her mouth and lit it.

When Zelda say the small cottage, she froze. Was this wrong? Was it too late for this?
A light in the living room turned on, as if the woman sensed her.

Lilith knew Zelda was outside and opened the door before Zelda even got to the end of the driveway.
Zelda froze again but continued to walk towards the house.

"Got an extra cigarette?" Zelda nodded, pulling out her pack. She handed it over to the woman, then took a seat on the bench. Lilith sat beside her, almost too close. But it seemed like Zelda didn't have a problem with that, considering the last time she sat in the parlor of the Spellman residence with her.

"What brings you here?" Lilith turned, blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"I needed somewhere to go. Somewhere I can relax." Lilith nodded, taking another puff.

"And you came here? Interesting." Zelda didn't want to argue. She needed to get away from the three other Spellmans.
Zelda stared out at the forest. It was beautiful out here. The outside light lit up the deck and only the deck. The smoke from their cigarettes mixed together, fading away as one. Zelda could feel Lilith's body heat and had to fight the urge to touch her.
Zelda appreciated the less revealing night robe. It was a dark rose gold colour with fur on the sleeves. The buttons that kept it together were gold. The material covering her bust was stretched, buttons struggling to hold it closed.

"Zelda? Earth to Zelda." Lilith waved her hand in front of her face.

"Sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted a drink?" Zelda nodded.
"Come on. You can smoke in here. I have an ashtray."

Zelda stood up, following her.

"Are you hungry?" Zelda hesitated. "I ordered a pizza. I only had a few slices. I was wondering if you wanted any?"

Zelda nodded, "Sure."

Lilith could tell Zelda was thinking about something. A question was haunting her.
"What's on your mind?"

"Is this desperate? Me...being here at this hour." Lilith shook her head.

"No. Unusual? Yes but we are witches. We aren't usual. Night is the best time for us to drink together and eat pizza." Zelda smiled. Oh and what a lovely smile it was. "I like your company."

"The feeling is mutual." Lilith chuckled, handing her a glass of wine.

They talked for what felt like hours. Finishing two bottles of wine and the whole pizza. They were sitting on the couch, Lilith on the left of Zelda.
The two were giggling like school girls.

"Wanna stay over?" Zelda hesitated again, "It's too late for you to walk. I'd find you in the ditch in the morning."

Zelda smiled and nodded. "I suppose. Where would I sleep?"

"You can sleep with me, if you don't mind? I don't have a spare bedroom and the couch isn't that comfortable."

"I don't mind sleeping in the same bed with you but if you cuddle me, I'll push you off the bed." Lilith threw her hands up in defeat.

"Alright. Follow me." Zelda sat up and followed the brunette.

Zelda stepped out of the bathroom that was in Mary Wardwell's bedroom and into the dimly lit room. One night lamp sat on a bedside table and it looked as if it was dying out.
Lilith entered the room, a thin black nightgown with black lace at the hems. It had small straps and hit the floor. The neckline dipped low but not as low as the green robe she had been wearing a few nights prior. Zelda tried to keep her eyes from looking. She had to admit, the woman was gorgeous. The way those long brunette locks feel to her shoulders, framing her face. There was no makeup on her face and Zelda was shocked. She didn't need all that makeup she wore. Her skin was perfect and her lips looked better bare.
Lilith had given her a golden coloured nightgown, that looked very similar to one she owned. It was calf length and loose fitted.

"Need a makeup wipe?" Zelda nodded.

Lilith took one out of the little package and walked over to the redhead. Insisted of handing it to her, she cupped her face and began to wipe the makeup off.
Zelda closed her eyes, feeling the coolness of the makeup wipe against her skin and the softness of Lilith's hand holding her face in place.
Before she knew it that hand and makeup wipe were gone and she opened her eyes.

Lilith was getting under the covers and Zelda's eyes widened. As Lilith got under the covers, the neckline slipped and Zelda caught a glimpse of her breast. She looked away and walked around to the other side of the bed. Getting in, Zelda kept her eyes on the ceiling.

"What am I going to tell Hilda?"

"You spent the night at a friends." Lilith's voice sent shivers down her spine.

"I don't have any friends."

"I'd like to think we are friends." Zelda turned to look at the brunette. She was curled up by her, turned onto her side so she could look at Zelda.
Zelda turned on her side too, their faces close.

"I'm glad. I didn't want to be the first one to say it." Lilith chuckled.

"Goodnight, Zelda."

"Goodnight, Mary."

I have to warn you that this will be a slow-ish burn. I feel like this is going to me looooonggggg, so hopefully you will stick around till the end!

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