Chapter 12: Date?

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Zelda rolled out of bed to the sound of an alarm clock. Zelda didn't set alarm clocks. She pushed the thing to the ground, getting up out of bed. She made her way downstairs and was surprised to see no one in the kitchen. The house was silent and Zelda wondered if anyone was even awake. 

She quickly ate breakfast, which consisted of toast and an orange, than making her way back up the stairs. 

She got dressed in a knee length black dress with a high neck. Tied around her neck was a silk ribbon with a cheetah pattern. She ran a hand through her hair before going back downstairs. She left, making her way to the woman's cottage by walking. Zelda didn't want to get there too soon. She checked the time on the watch she wore around her left wrist. 10:08 am. 

By the time she got to Mary's cottage, it was 10: 30. Zelda knocked on the door and nearly jumped when it flew open. 

"Finally! Thought you'd never come!" Lilith stepped out of the house, closing and locking the door. 

"What are you-"

"Taking you out. Now get in the car." Zelda furrowed her brows but got in the small navy car. 

"Where are you taking me?" 
Lilith switched channels a few times, ignoring Zelda's question. She landed on channel, relaxing into the seat. 
"Where are you taking me?" Zelda repeated. 

"Must you be so impatient!? Can't I take you out on a date without a million questions!?" Zelda froze. 


"Yes! Date!" Zelda grabbed her shoulder, her heart beating a bit faster than normal. 

"Date? As in me?" Lilith scoffed. 

"You really are oblivious to everything, aren't you?" Zelda let go of the woman, leaning back in her chair. She smiled. Zelda didn't know why but she did. 

They drove down the long road, snow was now fully cleared from the ground. 

"Are you surprised?" Zelda turned her attention to Lilith. 


"Are you surprised I like you?" Zelda shrugged. 

"Not really...I...I." Zelda thought of what Hilda said, "I like you too." 
Lilith smiled wide, patting Zelda's knee. 

"Good. That's very good." 

Rhiannon by FleetWood Mac came on and Lilith began to sing along. 

She is like a cat in the dark and then
 She is the darkness,
She rules her life like a fine skylark and when
The sky is starless.

All your life you’ve never seen 
A woman taken by the wind 
Would you stay if she promised you heaven? 
Will you ever win? 
Will you ever win? 

Zelda listening to Lilith's soft voice, dozing off. She felt a hand slip in hers, making her open her eyes. 

She rings like a bell through the night and 
Wouldn’t you love to love her? 
She rules her life like a bird in flight and 
Who will be her lover? 

Lilith left her hand there. Everything was going according to plan. Soon she would be seated beside Satan, ruling over hell. 

Dreams unwind, 
Love’s a state of mind. 

"I just love that song. Do you listen to Fleetwood Mac?" Zelda nodded. 

"I love her song Sisters of The Moon." 

"That is a good one, yes." Lilith drove up to a sigh that read: 

Mr. Harbers' Pumpkin Patch, Apple Orchard and Maze. 

Zelda raised a brow, "What do you gave planned?" 

"Well, I was wondering if we could do the maze together? It's long and quiet." Zelda nodded. The two got out of the car. Lilith walked around, grabbing Zelda's hand. Her thumb gently rubbed over the soft skin. 

Zelda's hand ran along the hay walls. Lilith let go of Zelda's hand but kept close by her side. 

"Ran into Mr. Tapper today. Asked how my lady was." Zelda blushed. 


"Yeah. I had to go to the shop early this morning to grab something for dinner tonight and he was there." Zelda sighed. 

"What did you say?" 

"Told him she was doing just fine." Zelda didn't really know what to say after that. 

"Is this our date? It's quiet. I like it. I didn't know everything was still up since autumn has long passed." 

"Yes and no. I didn't know it was still open till Mr. Tapper told me about it." 

"What do you mean, yes and no?" 

"Well, we are having dinner tonight." Zelda laughed at this. It seemed the woman had made plans for them without even telling Zelda first. 

"Are we now?" Lilith looked up at her. Those impossibly blue eyes bore into her. 


"Alright. What time?" Lilith stopped. She fiddled with her hands. Zelda was shocked to see her get a bit nervous. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to make dinner with me? I'm not a good cook." Zelda smiled, nodding. She took one of her hands into hers, entwining their fingers. 
"When did you realized you liked me?" 

Zelda thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. Probably when… I spent the night at your house." Lilith hummed. 

"Same here." 

They got to the center of the maze and started to head back. 

"You know, Zelda, I never didn't like you but I always had a feeling that you didn't like me." Zelda hesitated but nodded. 

"I thought you were a threat but now...well it's different now." Lilith nodded in agreement. 

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" 

"Anything really. As long as it's easy." Lilith laughed, agreeing. 
"You have a cute laugh, Mary." 

Lilith blushed. 

They got back to the car a few minutes later. It wasn't hard to find your way out. 

Zelda got in, instantly being met by a warm hand to her cheek. 

"Yes, Mary?" 

"You look so beautiful today." Zelda knew she was blushing hard. Lilith smirked mentally. 

"You too." Lilith ran a thumb over Zelda's bottom lip. 
"We better head back." 

"Mhm." Lilith pulled away, buckling herself in. 

How can this be happening? A few nights ago I was so sure I didn't like her but now I want to be with her. To kiss those blood red lips. To get lost in those gorgeous blue eyes. Run my fingers through that main of brunette curls. Run my hands up and down her petite body and … 

Zelda cut her thoughts. Lilith wanted to laugh but she just smirked. She'll let Zelda do those things soon but only for her to get better access to Sabrina. 

Ooooooo, it's starting to happen! But remember, Lilith is doing this all for the Dark Lord's plans and not actually listening to her heart. I can't wait to make them fall in love!! :D 

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