Chapter 20: A Proper Goodbye

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Lilith slumped down on the Spellmans couch. She had created an elaborate plan to trap Lucifer but of course it failed. There was no stopping the Dark Lord and she was just ready to give up. 

Zelda rubbed at her feet, Hilda watching from afar. Hilda and Ambrose talked of what was going to happen next though they hadn't the slightest clue. 

"I need to get Sabrina ready for her coronation-" 

"She won't have to rule Hell, will she? You can't possibly let her go through with this? There has to be another way! Another way we can stop him." Zelda stared up at her, thumbs making soft circles on the pads of her feet. Lilith sighed, pulling her feet away from Zelda. 

"I think she has to. I'm going to get her ready and then I'm going to get ready for the coronation. You should as well." Zelda nodded, leaning up to kiss Lilith. It was short and left Zelda wanting more. She watched the demoness walk away, wearing fake confidence. 


Zelda sighed as she pinned her hair back. She stared at herself, lip quivering. She didn't know what was going on at the moment. Her niece was possibly going to be Queen of Hell and her love would have to leave her.

Her hands smoothed over the black lace, clearing her hands from the layer of nervous sweat that grew between the lines of her palms. 

Her eyes skimmed over the mask she would be wearing for the coronation. She couldn't just let her niece, even though she wasn't by blood, become Queen of Hell. The girl was still family no matter who her real father was, be that Edward or Lucifer. Besides, that was Lilith's destiny. Lilith would have to leave her no matter who becomes queen. It pained Zelda to have to let go of the woman. The only person she had ever truly loved was going to have to leave and possibly never return. 

Fresh tears sprung at her eyes and she quickly dabbed them away, as to not ruin her makeup. 

A soft hand landed on her shoulder, squeezing ever so slightly. Zelda relaxed, slowly turning around. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the woman before her. Clad in a gorgeous red gown with black jewels. Zelda bit her lip, reaching for the woman's waist. Lilith let her pull her closer, pressing their bodies together for what they hoped wouldn't be the last time. 

"I came to say...a proper goodbye." Zelda's eyes watered and her lip quivered even more. Lilith pouted, running her thumb under Zelda's chin. 

"Don't cry, my dear." Lilith stroked her face, relaxing Zelda just a bit. "Besides, Sabrina has a new plan. I can't be certain it will work but we have to give it our best shot." Zelda nodded, dabbing away the tears that escaped from her eyes. 

"You'll have to leave me no matter what. If you take the throne or not." Lilith nodded, painfully. She tried not to let a tear slip, trying to hold back the overbearing sadness that struck through her. Zelda pulled her in for a loving embrace. They stayed like that till they heard Hilda call out that Lilith should meet Lucifer at the Academy. Zelda pulled away, but kept a firm grip on her hand. 

"I love you, Lilith. I'll always wait for you." Lilith smiled, pain still in her glossy blue eyes. 

"I love you too, Zelda Spellman. You're the only person who has ever shown true kindness towards me. I'm forever grateful for you." And then Zelda's hand let go. She watched as Lilith left her bedroom, without a glance back. 

Zelda instantly broke out in tears, slouching to the floor. Her whole body shook with sobs. 

Almost the end, guys :(

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