Chapter 14: He Loves Me

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This contains rape//hinted past rape . I'm sorry if you have any personal traumas or discomfort to this topic. If you do not wish to read this short chapter that only consists of 300 or so words, I will have a quick summary at the bottom for you.

Lilith undressed, about to step into the shower. She quickly glanced up into the mirror and jumped, turning around fast. 

"My Dark Lord." He stood by the shower, his long nails ripping through the thin shower curtain. 

"Don't defy me, Lilith." Lilith shook her head. 

"I wouldn't dare, Dark Lord." He stepped closer. Lilith gulped, fear flashing in her eyes. He knew she wasn't speaking the truth. What she was starting with Zelda was defying him.

He reached his hand up and ran a nail along the length of her body. It split the skin but just barely. The thin cut filled with crimson as his hand fell to his side again. 

"You are mine, Lilith." She nodded. 

"I am yours and only yours." He stepped a bit closer, standing over her. 

"I like this body. It suits you." Lilith gulped. She wanted to scream but couldn't. The nails dragged up along her thigh. She couldn't move. Terror paralyzed her body. Yes this has happened to her her whole life and she was used to it now but everytime she was scared. She was always scared of what he might do. 
He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. She told herself again and again through the whole thing. This was her punishment. Sometimes it could be a reward but it was all the same.

She soon found herself lying on the soft satin of her bed sheets, him on top of her. 
At least he loves me. 

Summery: The Dark Lord visits Lilith before she gets into the shower. He asks if she is defying him (because of Zelda) and she says no. It's hinted that he detects she is lying and that's why he has his way with her. It's a snip bit to more talk about his treatment towards her.

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