Chapter 2: Lilith's Intentions

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Everything had been going to plan. Gain Zelda's trust to get closer to Sabrina. With Zelda out of the way, she could see Sabrina more out of school. 
The idea to gain Zelda's trust came to her the day the woman sat in a booth with her at Cerberus's. 
Zelda is one of Lilith's key interests. The woman was strong, confident and powerful. Everything Lilith was drawn to. Stolas had told her time and time again to not get too attached. How could she? She was meant to rule by Lucifer's side and be of his service. Once he called her back, she would disappear from Zelda and Sabrina's life entirely. She thought it was hard dealing with one strong headed Spellman but dealing with two was a 24/7 job with minimum pay. 

Lilith set her cup of tea down and took in a deep breath. 
"I got a promotion. It's Principle Wardwell now." 
Zelda smiled. 

"Congratulations. Now you don't have to teach the mortals but be fully in charge of them." Lilith nodded. 

"Yes, it's a big step but it's nothing I can't handle." They shared a tight lipped smile. Not too friendly but not unfriendly. That's what this...friendship, if you could call it that, was. They weren't too nice to each other but never said anything harsh. 
"I also have news that might be of interest for you." 

Zelda raised a brow, "Which is?" 

"Sabrina has asked me to allow her full time at the Academy but she may return to Baxter High when ever she pleases." Lilith took a sip of tea, leaving Zelda waiting for the rest. 


"And I've agreed." Zelda straightened up, smiling. 

"I guess I should thank you?" Lilith shook her head. 

"No need. It was no problem." Zelda gulped down the last bit of her tea and sat up. 

"I must head home, Mary. See you next Saturday." Lilith nodded as the woman threw on her large, black fur coat and left. 

Oh you'll see me sooner than that. This might be easier than I anticipated.

I know the first two chapters are really short but the third DEFINITELY isn't!

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