Without Thy Name~Prinxiety

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I ran off, shutting the door to my room as I collapsed onto the bed. My eyes stung, and I held desperately onto my arms, saddened by the lack of fabric upon them. But that was my choice.

"Here." I held out the jacket at arms length, towards the confused and hurt man in front of me.


I tried to dry my eyes, turning to see the digits on the clock. It took me a second to read through the tears, but I saw the time all the same. 11:43. Seventeen more minutes.

I released my left hand's grip, turning it to stare at the skin on my wrist. 'Seventeen minutes until it's decided. Until some random words are inscribed on my wrist, dictating who I'm "destined" to be with. Because this is the world we live in.'

I went and grabbed a jacket, throwing it on quickly. One of the purple patches I had added was coming off slightly, and I made a mental note to stitch it up later.

Trying to distract myself, I grabbed my phone, quickly starting my playlist. Always by Panic at the Disco is what comes through. Of course.

I held tightly onto Roman, my hand grabbing onto his shirt tightly. He pulled away for a second, taking off his jacket and throwing it over my shoulders. He wrapped his arms around me, running a hand through my hair as he started to sing softly.

"When the world gets too heavy
Put it in my back
I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue
On a get well card"

He never asked for the jacket back, and he always helped me through whatever. Every time.

The clock went off, beeping twice to signal midnight. I stiffened up, glancing at my covered wrist. I didn't want to look. I wanted to believe it wasn't there. That I could go back to him. That I hadn't done what I had an hour ago. But it was, and I couldn't, because I had.

"Roman, can we talk?"

"Of course. What's up?" He started smiling, but it faded as he saw my expression.

"I... I turn eighteen in... in an hour, Ro."

"Yeah?" He asked, clearly not catching onto what was the problem.

"Roman, I'm about to- I'm about to get my words."

His eyes darkened, and he seemed to consider for a minute.

"What- what does that matter?"

"Roman, I'm about to know exactly what my words are. And all it'll do is prove that we're not meant to be together. This entire thing, this entire last year had been on a time bomb. And it's about to go off. I can't ignore that."

"Well, why does it matter? We make each other happy, we like being together. What does some silly soulmate thing matter?" That was big coming from him, as before we got together, he was obsessed with getting his words and finding who he was meant to be with. And here he was saying he couldn't care less. It just made me hurt more.

"Roman... I cant put you through that. Knowing that there's someone in the world you are perfect for, and that's not me. Or, you having to see some other words on me every time. It's not fair. I cant do that to you." I slipped his jacket off my shoulders.

"Here." I held out the jacket at arms length, towards the confused and hurt man in front of me.


"I'm sorry, Roman." I looked at my watch. It was already 11:30. "I gotta go. I'll see you at school Monday."


I turned away, starting down the street as I whispered, "Goodbye"

Tears rolled down my cheeks, my hand gripping my wrist as I fought against myself over pulling it down or just not looking.

Eventually, I caved. Have to see it at some point, right? I slid the sleeve carefully down my wrist. My eyes shut, and I slowly peeked through to see the words.

Then I ran out of my house at full speed.

I raced down the street, huffing a little as a slipped and barely stayed up. The moment I tried to slow down I would fall from forward momentum, but I didn't care. I just ran. I ran the path I knew so well it was carved in my muscles, my body moving on memory. Where I knew he would be.

I slowed down, falling as I made the sharp turn into the hidden grotto. Standing up, I stepped cautiously in, waiting for my eyes to adjust. Ahead in the distance, I could make out a silhouette. A sighed a breath of relief as I warily called out.


The figure turned facing me, gaping.

"V- Virgil? What are you doing here?" He asked, standing from the seat, but not coming forward. So, I went up a couple feet.

"I got my words." I said, a little breathless, unable to look away from him.

"So? We knew that would happen, that's why you just ended things. Need I remind you?" He spoke harshly, the hurt clear in his voice.

"But look at what they are." I held up my wrist, pulling the sleeve down.

"Don't taunt me. Wasn't that exactly what you didn't want to do?"

"Just look, you dummy." I rolled my eyes.

He scoffed, but glanced anyway. His eyes went wide, and he grabbed my wrist. He looked from me, to my wrist, then back to me.

"The figure before me holds such beauty, but it is nothing without thy name." He smiled, and so did I. We both stood there, thoughts brought back to that day.

It was another boring day at school. The morning made me feel like I wanted to die, and the afternoon probably wouldn't be much better. I was sitting outside on a planter, ignoring the lunch next to me as a sketched in my pad. It had been a cruddy discovery of mine a few minutes before to find that I had forgotten to bring my headphones, so I was left with just the sounds of nature and distant shouting.

Suddenly, I heard movement of the gravel right in front of me, and a small throat clear. I looked up, seeing a man in front of me, on one knee with a flower in his hand. His eyes shone, and his brown bangs came barely in front of his face. He looked up at me.

"The figure before me holds such beauty, but it is nothing without thy name."

I looked at him, a little surprised and definitely confused. I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"You're fucking kidding"

He chuckled, standing up, and moving to sit next to me. He held the flower out, and I took it.

"I wish I was. But, I can't help but feel the need to know your name. I'm Roman. Mind telling me yours?"

I stared at him, considering my options.

"Maybe another time."

"Well, at least I can enjoy your company for now. I'll ask for your name again tomorrow."

I looked at the boy next to me. His hazel eyes were looking only at me, waiting to see what my reaction would be. I smiled slightly, despite my brain saying not to. "You might just get it then."

"We're... soulmates." He said simply, looking at me and holding my hands.


Suddenly, he groaned, shaking his head.


"I just realized. I'm gonna have a curse word on my wrist for the rest of my life."

I laughed, placing my hands around his neck. "Well, you also get to deal with me for the rest of your life."

"Then I suppose it's not so bad a price to pay." He leaned in, kissing me sweetly as the moonlight seeped through the canopy. As we pulled apart, I smiled. This is the man I get to be with for the rest of my life. And I couldn't have been happier.

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