Inktober Day 9- Music pt. 1

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Virgil walked down the street, his small bag annoying him with the way it bounced on his back, but he refused to put his arm through the other strap. He held onto the one strap with his hand, his fingers tapping against it in a pattern. Index, middle, ring, pinky. One, two, three, four. Over and over again. The count repeated in his head with a rhythm, his steps in time with each tap. The rhythm carried him all the way to his destination, where his feet stopped, and his hand slowed.

He used that hand then to pick a small pebble up, aiming quickly before throwing it up. The pebble bounced against a window, creating a small, harsh tap on the surface. Roughly ten seconds later, a head was poking out that same window.


"Heya Princey," he called up, practically able to see the others smile despite the dark. "My mom's being herself again, mind if I come up?"

"You know the route," the voice called down, moving away from the window so there was now an opening for Virgil to come through.

This caused the boy to smirk, and he started up a path clearly travelled several times before. On top of the planter, balance on the platform above the first story window, jump to the rope ladder hung there years ago, and climb into the window. Simple really, if you didn't think too much about the possibility of broken bones.

His feet landed softly on the carpet, seeing his friends back towards him as he looked in his closet.

"She threaten you this time, or actually kick you out?"

"Neither, but she was on her way there, figured I'd just save us both the trouble."

"Even if it meant having to spend time with me?" Roman teased, finally turning around with a spare blanket and pillow in hand.

"Your voice is less annoying than hers, if only just."

And there came what Virgil had dubbed the "offended Princey noises", giving him a good laugh. "Relax, Romano, I'm playing."

"With my heart? I don't see what else you could mean." Virgil gave him a small shove, causing Roman to respond by lightly elbowing him, which allowed Virgil a chance to tip the other's balance and cause him to fall onto the bed. "Why I let you stay here confuses me."

"It's because you're bored and need someone to shout Disney songs at."

'True," Roman agreed, pulling himself up as Virgil moved to sit beside him. "But you know I am a knight as well, and I cannot leave a damsel in distress."

Virgil snarled. "Call me a damsel again and I might just become the dragon."

"Oh please, we know who always wins that battle. Besides, if you were the dragon, who would give me a kiss of gratitude for saving them?"

"I'm sure Michelle wouldn't mind," Virgil teased.

Roman made a gagging noise, his face screwing up. "Oh please, Michelle Winters is the reason I know I'm gay. I was questioning bi until she started trying to flirt with me."

"Yeah, that wasn't pretty for any of us to watch."

The two shared a laugh, a silence settling between them afterwards. Virgil could feel awkwardness creeping up again, and he didn't know if it was real. He was never sure if it was just his anxiety, but he couldn't push the feeling away. After all, what if he thought it was comfortable silence, but the other person found it awkward, and now he's sitting there letting the other person be in awkward silence?

Luckily, Roman seemed to recognize this, having heard that particular train of thought play out several times before. He grabbed his phone, and after a few seconds of hitting buttons, piano notes started playing from the speaker.

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