Inktober Day 16- Crofter's

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It wasn't often that Virgil and Logan got into fights. Debates, sure, those were a common occurrence between them. Actual fights, however, were few and far between. The two got along fairly well with one another, but that made sense seeing as they were in a relationship.

Virgil wasn't sure how much longer that would be true after this last one though.

Virgil didn't even remember what the argument was about at this point, just that him and Logan had been at odds for 3 days now. He didn't even know how Logan was feeling, they hadn't seen each other the entire time.

Which seemed to be annoying Patton.

"Come on Virge, you have to talk to him."

"He probably doesn't wanna see me, Pat. Why would he?"

"Now kiddo, you know that's just your anxiety talking. In fact, I don't think he remembers what you guys were fighting over either."

"Then why wouldn't he have come and talked to me yet, Pat? I have the excuse of being anxious, he doesn't have a reason not to talk to me unless he hates my guts."

"Oh, come on, you know that Logan can be... stubborn. But that doesn't mean he doesn't still love you, and you need to stop treating it like that."

Virgil sighed, finally sitting up on his bed so he could be even with the person beside him. "But what if it does mean that this time, Pat?"

Virgil was expecting some sad Dad look, or a comforting hug, but that's not what he got. Instead, Patton gripped him tightly on each shoulder, staring directly into his eyes.

"Virgil, if you don't talk to Logan by the end of the day, I'm going to go talk to Roman about locking you two in a room together."

Virgil reeled back, staring at the dadlike character. "Are you being serious?"

"Yes! Just go talk to him, really. I'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him."

Virgil didn't even try to deny that he missed Logan, he just been talking about him for the past ten minutes, it was sort of obvious. Still, that didn't mean his anxiety about talking to him was any smaller, he knew he would have to do something big. Well, for his standards anyway.

So, after about 10 minutes spent thinking about it, and the better half of the day procrastinating, Virgil finally picked himself up and approached a familiar plain door that belonged to Logan.

Of course, he still hesitated before knocking, unsure what to do. Would Logan even open the door for him? Maybe it would be better to try and knock with confidence, least then it wouldn't sound like him.

Virgil knocked three times upon the door in rapid succession, hastily shoving his hand into his jacket pocket afterwards and shifting his weight from each foot to the other. he mentally checked himself, thinking about whether his hair was all right, and if he'd eaten anything recently where food might have been stuck in his teeth. There wasn't much he could do about it now, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to think about it.

Just as he was about to pull out his phone and check for good measure, the door swung inward rather forcefully. "Roman I told you I do not need to ta—"

And there he stood. Whatever Logan had been saying died in his throat as he took in the sight of Virgil, who was doing the same.

"Uh, hey," Virgil started tentatively, barely glancing at the other, his eyes mainly staying downward. "Is it cool if we talk?"

Logan gave him a once over again, seemingly debating his options. That was all it took for Virgil's anxiety to spill over, and he pulled out his backup plan. "I, uh, also got you a jar of Crofter's, if that helps."

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