Inktober Day 12- Music Pt. 2

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TW: Light cursing, small spaces, death. Let me know if I need to add anything, sorry I'm bad with this.


Virgil slammed his locker door shut, not quite wanting to look back at the other but having no other distraction in place. So instead, he just turned with a look of exasperation. "You need to stop it."

"I'm sorry, Virgil, I'm just pointing out the facts. You've liked him for months now, and it's obvious he likes you back-"

"No, it's not obvious! And keep your voice down. Look, there is only the slightest, slimmest chance of him ever liking me back, and there's no evidence to support that it's true."

"What about the time you fell asleep on his chest with a love song playing in the background?"

Virgil snarled, turning back to Logan and pointing a finger. "We said we weren't bringing that up. Besides, that was just him acting all prince-like again, he wasn't gonna wake me up."

"Because he didn't mind you sleeping on top of him."

"Shut up."

The two turned the corner of the hallway, heading towards the exit of the school. Before they could make it to the doors, however, they ran into the other half of their friend group.

"Hiya, Logie, Virgil!" Patton greeted them excitedly, quickly moving to pull his boyfriend into a hug. Logan blushed at the contact, earning a smirk from Virgil before the emo had his own problem to deal with. And that would be...

"Oh, hey guys!" Roman.

After his and Logan's previous conversation, keeping a blush off his face was proving far too difficult a task. It was sickening, really, how he had fallen for the other. Still, he had always been able to keep his cool.

"Sup, Princey." He gave a nod, watching as the man shut his own locker, spinning the combination lock a few times for good measure. He always was extra.

"We really should start walking, school's already been out for 5 minutes. Patton, are you ready?" Logan asked, seemingly regarding whether he was good to go. Virgil didn't trust it though. After all, he was always on edge.

"All ready, Lo!" He winked towards his boyfriend, unable to stop a giggle from coming out. The two started walking, leaving Roman and Virgil in the back of the pack. "They're too sweet for their own good," Virgil huffed, shaking his head.

"Eh, you've got a puffball corrupting a calculator, what would you expect?" Roman replied, lightly nudging him on the shoulder. Virgil turned red at the action and was about to respond when gravity seemingly turned against him, his body forcefully moving sideways into an open janitorial closet. He steadied himself against the wall, wondering what had happened before the door slammed shut, throwing him into darkness.

"What? -" he started questioning, getting cut off by a sudden pounding from his side of the door.

"Logan, Patton, open it this instant!" The only reply from the other side was a solitary giggle, obviously from the latter. "You had to have planned this, you're friends with the janitor! How much did you pay him for his keys?"

"Nothing, actually, he agreed wholeheartedly. Apparently, he was as sick of watching you two dance around each other as we were," Logan's voice called through the door, calm as ever despite the situation. It was then that Virgil took in the full extent of what was happening.

He had been pushed, and was now locked in a janitor's closet, with Roman Prince.


His voice seemed to attract the other's attention, the general blob he assumed to be Roman stepping toward him. "You okay, Stormcloud?" His hand moved to Virgil's shoulder, and he realized the only good thing about this situation was there wasn't enough light for the other to see him blush. "Yeah, I'm fine," he answered, "just thinking about how I'm going to kick Logan's ass."

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