Inktober Day 23- Merch

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It had been a peaceful day for Janus, truly. Blæse had been mulling around next to him all day, hiding under his capelet for most of it. Not that he minded. When the snake stuck his head out, Deceit liked to pretend he was checking in on the plot of the book that was currently in his lap. It truly had been a good day, and honestly, he found that all kinds of suspicious.

Today was the anniversary of when the Dark and Light sides had been made.

It used to be quite a big deal, the three "dark sides" always spending it cooped up together in the living room, constant reassurances being passed around that they were still good. After Virgil left, it was more of a wreck than anything. The majority of Janus' day was spent consoling Remus, before slinking off to his room to grieve himself. This year though, everything had been silent.

And Janus had learned not to trust a silent Remus by now.

So, reluctantly, Janus set down his book, standing from the chair and clicking off the lamp next to him. Blæse poked his head out from under the fabric, nudging Deceit's neck a couple of times.

"It's alright, snakey, I just have to go check in on the gremlin, make sure he hasn't set fire to the other's house or something."

Blæse slithered down his arm, and he stuck it out over their terrarium, allowing the reptile to crawl back under a log. With all business in his room taken care of, he departed, shutting the door and heading down the hall to the other occupant's space.

Remus' door looked like a train wreck of course, so many cracks and stains on it you couldn't tell the original color anymore. It almost looked like a single knock would topple the whole thing over, yet Deceit's sharp raps did nothing against the wood. He had considered just entering, but that mistake had been made by him but once, and he was not eager to repeat it. So instead, he waited to hear the trash goblin call out.

The door sprung open immediately, an excited Remus bouncing on his heels in the doorway, his hair having its own mini rave. "Dee!" He exclaimed, throwing open the door and hopping backward, allowing Janus entrance to the space.

"Uh, hello Remus," Janus started, somewhat startled by the introduction. He normally didn't have this much extra energy, and certainly not on a day like today. Something was up with Remus. "I just came to check on you. I hadn't heard from you at all today, and that normally means you're plotting a murder."

"Nah, that was yesterday," Remus said deadpan, heading over to his computer. "I've just been looking at this."

He tilted the computer screen a bit, and Janus walked over, inspecting the screen. It was open to the Thomas Sanders merch shop, but the webpage was not necessarily what was startling. What surprised him, was the actual merch.

Right on top, easy to be seen, was the Christmas sweaters for the year. Except there were 6 this time, one for him and Remus.

"There are scarfs too this year, but... Dee, we have merch now. We're one of the sides."

It was a ridiculous statement; they had always been sides. After all, merch didn't equate to being a part of Thomas. But Janus knew what he meant.

"Almost 2 years..." Janus murmured, placing a hand on Remus' chair to lean in closer, as if that would help him see the pixels better.

"Look, here's yours!" Remus answered, scrolling down and clicking on the product link. He then scooted over a bit, allowing Deceit to grab a hold of the mouse. And, he scrolled over every detail. The ornaments in the hands. The snakes in stockings. The "better watch out" written on the back. It was so... Deceit. It just worked.

"Mine is cooler, though, it has eyeballs all over it!" Remus quickly grabbed the mouse back, maneuvering over to his page. Janus smirked, seeing how Remus' eyes lit up just looking at the sweater. Logan might've even pointed out how his pupils dilated if he had been there.

"Look Dee, we're really a part of the series. And I only had to be in one video, it took you two!"

Dee smiled lightly, not taking it to heart. How could he? Remus was so... happy right then. This had to be the first time in years he had smiled on this day, yet alone a grin so big.

"Yes, well, the fans still love me more, but congratulations, Remus."

"Oh, you're just joking ya dork. Hey, you know that actually means I'm calling you the biggest dick in the world? Cause whales actually have huge penises. They're like 10 meters long or something like that."

Janus chuckled at that, rolling his eyes and starting to turn away. Yes, such interesting information, Ree, really. I needed to know that."

"Well, I can also tell you the length of my—"

"That is enough, Remus. Just order me one of my scarfs. Your twin actually didn't make horrible designs."

"You got it, Dee!" Remus stood up straight then, sticking out his hand in a salute before doing a backwards somersault onto the floor, his legs landing against the bed, back on the floor. Janus simply shook his head, closing the door and heading back down the hallway.

He got back to his room, flicking the light on and throwing his hat onto the bed. He then proceeded to flop down in his chair from earlier, picking up the book once more.

He paused before opening it though.

"Almost 2 years, huh? Guess I finally made it."

And he opened his novel back up, eyes cast down at the page, but his mind wandering elsewhere, to the events that just occurred. His sweater, the look on Remus' face, all of it. And not one mention of Virgil leaving, of them being broken, just pure joy, and the normal Remus antics. He never thought a vulgar comment would be so appreciated.

Janus conjured a mug of tea, playing with the string of the bag for a second before taking a sip. He allowed his mind to silence as the liquid went down his throat, closing any opportunity for bad thoughts, and just letting the moment stay as it was. Then, he actually continued reading, allowing himself to get caught up in the universe of the characters once more.

It truly had been a good day.


Hey! So, yeah, I'm a little late on this one. Sorry about that. I tried to get it out on time, but, turns out getting 6 hours of sleep in the past 48 makes you pass out a lot earlier than you want. So, hope no one was too disappointed. Here it is, anyway. And today's prompt should still come out today, on time. So, yeah, 2 in one day I guess.

Anywho, I hope y'all still liked this, and found it okay. Talk to you in a few hours lol, have some good mornings out there.


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