The Real Courageous Hero

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I had just finished a very full day, having spent the majority of it within the imagination. Multiple dragon witches had gotten out of hand, and several hours of fighting and negotiating had ensued. It was late afternoon when I finally stepped into the kitchen, hoping for my first meal since breakfast.

Perusing the cabinets, I waited for something to catch my eye. This was apparently some spare pizza slices, which I quickly threw on a plate and into the microwave. While they were heating up, I grabbed a glass of water and made sure everything was all set.

I finally got to sit down and eat, enjoying my meal. It had been a long day, and I was deserving of a peaceful afternoon.

"Maybe I'll throw on a Disney movie after this, it has been a while since I've watched some of the classic princess films." I toyed with the idea, scrolling Instagram as I ate. I was just about to start on the second slice when something poked my leg. I tossed a glance down, not really caring, only to follow it with a scream.

~Virgil's POV~

I was in my room, enjoying the day of having the house to myself. Logan and Patton had left a while ago to do whatever and Roman had been in the imagination since 9. He was probably having another day where he stays overnight in the imagination, "living in luxury like a prince deserves."

I was taking advantage of the situation by letting my pet spider out of his cage, giving him free roam of my bedspread. He knew not to go any further, or at least I hoped.

It was nice, getting to enjoy the house to myself. I still stuck to my room, but didn't have to worry about someone barging in every second.

I left the room for a minute, having to use the bathroom. When I came back, however, there was a slight issue.

The arachnid had disappeared, no longer sitting on my duvet. I was slightly freaked out, but tried to remain calm. He knew not to leave the room, and no one was there to freak out even if he did escape.

I checked his normal hangout places, under the bed and behind the dresser. I was in the middle of checking my open vanity drawer when a scream came from elsewhere in the house. I immediately assumed it was someone having found my arachnid, only it didn't sound like Patton, and I didn't know any of the others to be so afraid of spiders.

I stopped myself from jumping to conclusions for a minute, heading out to see what had happened. I walked down the hall, being greeted by the sight of Roman atop the kitchen table.

"Roman? I thought you were gone in the imagination." He shuffled on the surface after seeing me, clearly trying to look more dignified.

"Well, I finished attending to all my duties there. I just came back, and was trying to grab a snack."

"And that required you to climb on the kitchen table?" I knew why he was up there, but was finding it fun to draw it out. Plus, he looked pretty stupid up there.

"Hey! Excuse me, but this is my house too! I am allowed to stand wherever I want. This knight does what he wishes, thank you very much!"

Roman huffed when he finished, crossing his arms and staring indignantly down at me. I sighed, shaking my head and moving a step closer.

"Princey, where's the spider?"

The moment he heard the words escape my mouth, he curled in on himself, moving to as near the center of the table as possible.

"It's under the table please kill it."

I laughed, crouching down and seeing Brendon Webie slowly making their way up the table leg. Sticking my hand out in their path, they quickly clambered on, allowing me to stand back up and face Roman.

"Your attacker has been captured," I told him, his eyes never leaving the palm Brendon was circling around.

"You're not going to slay it?" Roman asked, moving further back on the table and adding more distance between the two of them.

I gave him a look, making it clear I was judging him. "Seeing as they're my pet, no." I left for the hallway, throwing them back in their cage, as I heard Roman sputtering in the kitchen. That gave me a bit of a smile as I headed back over.

"Why did you never tell us you had a pet spider?" Roman questioned loudly the moment I stepped onto the tile.

"Because can you imagine Patton's freakout if he found out he lived under the same roof as one? And since when are you afraid of spiders? What happened to the brave Prince Roman who 'can and will destroy them?'" I teased.

He huffed, rolling his eyes as he climbed down off the table. "Someone was in distress. In those moments, it is a Prince's duty to protect, regardless of his own fears."

"Fears that make you scream like a little girl apparently."

"Hey, I was surprised, okay? Plus..." he trailed off, getting softer as he spoke. "I wasn't aware anyone else was here."

"Well, sorry to have ruined your snack, Roman. But hey, I guess it is kinda good you screamed. Otherwise, who knows how long you would've been standing up there?"

"Yeah, funny. Just keep your insect in your room from now on, please." Roman shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh huh, sure. Look, I'll make it up to you if you don't tell Pat about Brendon Webie, okay? I don't want to have to get rid of him, or make Patton uncomfortable."

"Ugh, you gave it a name?" Roman scrunched his face, before turning to focus on the rest of what I said. "But yeah, I suppose you're right about Padre. So, I accept! And, I know just how you can make it up to me!"

I shook my head, knowing it couldn't be that bad if he came up with it that quickly. "All right, whatcha got for me?"

"Well, my plan after eating had been to watch a few Disney classics. So, you have to join me, and make the popcorn to compensate for my now untouchable pizza."

"The spider didn't go anywhere near it," I sneered, knowing it wouldn't help against his overdramatics.

"It was within 5 feet, that food is now contaminated and untouchable." I sighed, nodding to show my agreement to the terms. "Up, not so fast, there's more." He grinned, clearly enjoying this too much. "During the film, you can't make any cynical remarks or talk of darker messages. Oh, and I get to sing every song without you complaining."

I let out a small huff. "You're really milking this, aren't you?"

"Well, come on. How often do I get something that I can actually hold over your head?"

That got a small chuckle from me, and I headed over to the cabinet where we kept the popcorn maker.

"You've got a deal, Princey."

"Great!" He clapped his hands, doing a small jump with it. "I'll go gather some extra pillows and blankets. Meet me in my room when the popcorn's done."

"Really? You're not volunteering my room so you can try and steal my Nightmare Before Christmas posters again?"

He gave me a look like I was insane, turning to address me. "Are you kidding? Your room has a pet spider, I'm never setting foot in there again."

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