Inktober Day 6- Spider

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This one is technically a continuation of the one shot "The Real Courageous Hero," but you don't need to have read that to follow. It just gives you a little bit of context.

It had been about a week since Roman had dealt with a beast of truly terrifying proportions. What's worse is he had resigned himself to living with it indefinitely. For the monster in question was none other than Virgil's pet tarantula.

In exchange for an evening of Disney movies, Roman had agreed to keep his mouth shut about Brendon Webie, since Virgil seemed to care for it so much. Would he love to complain about it? Sure. But that wasn't really an option when an even bigger arachnophobe lived in the house. If Patton got even a whiff of the spider, Roman had no doubt he'd either squash it on sight or kick it out of the house. Virgil believed the same, and so the two had a vow to keep the pet a secret between them. Well that, and to only hang in the Prince's room from then on.

"Seriously Princey, the hamper is like 5 feet away, is it really so difficult to not leave your old shirts all over the floor?"

"Hey, it's your fault we can't be in your room anymore. You wanna complain, move out that thing, exterminate the entire room, and then maybe we'll talk. Besides, the laundry isn't even that bad, it's all still in a pile."

"She's not a thing, she's a living creature, Romano."

"With 8 legs and the beadiest eyes on the planet."
"Hey, I could have a pet black widow, just be glad Brendon is harmless."

Despite all the bickering the two shared, they really did enjoy one another's company. In fact, Roman liked to think the whole ordeal had brought the two of them closer together. His feelings might have even... no, none of that. Virgil was still just his good friend, and he would view him as such.

Besides, it had only been 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 7... well time is told to fly when you're having fun. Roman couldn't blame himself for forgetting just how long it had been.

That 7th week brought trouble though, in the form of a scream.

It rang throughout the house in a manner where no one could have missed it, stopping just as suddenly as it had started. Roman, despite having his headphones on, heard it clearly, able to pinpoint the general location. Down the hall, in one of the other's rooms. He stood quickly, grabbing his katana on the way out the door as he walked past the rooms.

The bathroom was clear, and Logan would never scream in such a manner, so his room was out. Patton's was further up the hall than Roman's which meant it had to have come from Virgil's. That, combined with the fact that the door was open made it pretty clear something was happening inside. After all, an open Virgil's door was never a good sign.

He hesitated slightly upon the realization, knowing he would have to enter the emo's room. A terrifying creature lay in there, waiting to attack its prey. He had not gone in there since the day he found out about it. But now, it seemed like he would have to break that streak. For Virgil's sake.

He walked through the threshold quickly, taking in the surrounding area and letting his eyes adjust to the darker light. The first thing he noticed was Virgil wasn't in there, but the culprit of the scream was. Patton.

He couldn't help it if his first thought was about how unfair it was that Patton had a manlier scream than him. I mean, Virgil made sense but Patton- he focused back on what was happening, he could worry about that later.

"Padre, what's the issue?" he asked, wielding his sword in a ready stance.

Patton took a few steps back, eyes not leaving a solitary location as he spoke.

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