Inktober Days 18 and 19- HP and Favorite Ship

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It was the opening day of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and an excited 13-year-old wrapped in a cloak was currently pulling another boy down the street.

"Come on, Virgil, I want to get a picture with the movie poster beforehand, and we can't miss any of the trailers!"

"There's no consequence if we do though, you don't have to tug my arm off to get there. It's still a half hour until it's supposed to start, we'll be fine."

The tugging suddenly stopped, as the boy turned around and started walking backwards so he could address the other as he walked. "But there's the concession lines, and besides, aren't you normally the one to worry about these sorts of things?"

"Well yeah, Roman, but you know Harry Potter's more your thing than mine. I'm here as a show of solidarity so you don't show up to the movies in a nerd cloak by yourself."

"It's not a nerd cloak, it's the same one Harry wears in the film! According to reports, anyway."

"Right, so nerd stuff. You sure you didn't want Logan with you for this?"

Roman huffed, turning around so he could walk side by side with Virgil this time. "Absolutely not. He's such a book nerd, he'd take all the fun out of watching by pointing out everything wrong with it. I learned my lesson on that with Pet Semetary. Couldn't even be scared since he kept interrupting!" Roman gestured enthusiastically as he walked, making it seem like he was terribly wounded by this turn of events. He suddenly calmed down, however, when he turned to flash Virgil a smile. "Besides, I have no issue going with you."

"Well yeah, I'm the only person who would—"

"—No, I'm sure others would have. But I like my Doom and Gloom by my side for movies anyway, you're the only one willing to pick fun at the terrible acting with me. Though I doubt we'll have any of that in this film."

"Just cause it's Harry Potter doesn't mean it's a masterpiece, Roman."

"Yeah, yeah. But it does make it 100% more likely, now come on!"

And just like that, Virgil was being whisked away by the arm again, Roman maybe jaywalking on the last light in front of the theater so they could get there that much sooner.

"Roman, you're gonna get us killed!"

"Oh, quit being a worrywart, we're here fine, aren't we? Now hurry, I wanna get to concessions! Sour Patch Kids run out fast, you know!"

Virgil growled lightly, trailing behind Roman like a kid in a candy store as he rushed around. Once they got their concessions, Roman had insisted on a selfie with the two of them next to the movie poster, and of course he needed one by himself standing next to a cardboard cutout of the characters. Virgil kept an agitated look on most of the time, but Roman was getting rather good at reading that face, if he did say so himself. He could tell Virgil wasn't actually mad. He wouldn't go so far as guessing he was having a good time, but maybe, he wouldn't regret coming. That thought made sure Roman's smiles were pretty genuine in the pictures.

"Alright, Princey, the film starts in 10 minutes, which means the trailers will start in 5, and the movie will actually start in 20. But, you said you wanted to sit through them, so you wanna get to our seats?"

Roman paused from chewing a bite of popcorn, covering his mouth as he tried to talk through the treat. "Oh, yeah, bwe soud do that."

Virgil snickered, lightly tapping the boy on the arm and heading towards their theater number. "Alright then, come on. Sheesh, and I thought you were the one dragging me around."

"Well, I figured you needed a moment of power. It's always nice to boss around a Prince, you know. You looked like you needed it with how apathetic that face of yours was."

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