Inktober Day 7- Octopus

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Remus could not believe he had found himself here. Moreover, he was amazed his brother had managed to be around him for 2 minutes and not said a single insult. Now, he wasn't saying anything, but still.

The day had started fairly usual, him rolling out of bed (literally) and eating a bit of toothpaste after chewing it. Not as good as deodorant, but he had to keep Snakey off his back somehow. After that, a mix of chaos in whatever order he wanted it.

His mistake that day had been antagonizing his dear brother Roman. Normally, he left him alone for a grace period of 2 weeks after each trick. It was the one bit of common-sense Virgil had actually gotten him to listen to. And right then, it had only been about 4 days since the last time.

But the perfect idea crept into his mind, and it latched onto his brain. Was he really expected to go 10 days with this thought clinging to his brain like a leech sucking on someone's face? It just didn't seem fair. So instead, he got to work.

Lucky for him, he had woken up earlier than Roman, allowing him a chance to put his plan into action. Silently, he crept into his brother's room while the other was still sleeping and ever so carefully made his way over to the mirror.

I could smash it, he thought, that familiar voice creeping in the back of his head. Wake him up to the sound of shattered glass. Maybe some would even land by his feet and he'll step on it. The idea made him smile, but he shook his head, filing it away for another day. Right now, he already had a plan.

Carefully making the glass disappear, he carved a small hole behind the mirror, just enough space for him to fit. After climbing through the mirror frame, he summoned a regular sheet of glass, popping it where the reflective surface used to sit. He summoned up a poster that mimicked Roman's room design, hanging it up behind him. And then, he waited.

Which got boring very quickly. There wasn't even enough room back there for him to practice decapitating himself, his current hobby. How long the Prince would sleep was unknown, and he wasn't about to sit here for hours just to pull off this prank.

This was where being the embodiment of creativity was useful. After a minute of thinking, the simple answer came to him. Pulling out his own phone, he quickly made it so his caller ID wouldn't pop up, dialing Roman's device and watching it start to go off from the other side of the glass.

The man woke up quickly at this noise, hand moving to grab the phone while he simply lifted his head. Remus snickered at the sight, hanging up the moment the phone was in his hands.

Roman scoffed, sitting up with a loud sigh. "Really? A wrong number call just has to ruin my beauty sleep? I don't even recognize the number. Well, an early start to the day is never a bad thing, I suppose. Might as well get ready."

The prince walked through his usual morning routine, but Remus was waiting for one particular moment. And, it finally came. When Roman walked up to the mirror to do his hair.

Because there, he didn't see himself in princely attire, he saw the duke.

Roman reeled back, Remus copying his movements only a fraction of a second behind. After all, he really was quite the good actor. Comes from growing up with Ro and Jan. Roman slowly moved closer to the mirror, Remus, well, mirroring the action. A head tilt, a head tilt. A hand wave, a hand wave. It was truly quite simple, the hardest part for Remus was stopping from breaking into a grin. Finally, Roman moved his hand towards the glass, and a wicked idea entered Remus' mind. They both reached forward, and, when Roman was hovering but half an inch from the glass, Remus made it disappear, grabbing the other's wrist and pulling him in.

A particularly girlish scream rang out, followed by the loudest Remus might have ever laughed. Before hightailing it out of there to the living room.

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