Inktober Day 20- Family

25 1 12

Hey y'all! So, uh, today's a little unconventional. It's not actually writing today. It's... digital art. 

And, it's nothing great, I can't draw to save my life, but it's what I was feeling for this prompt, you know? So, uh, yeah, here it is.

And, it's nothing great, I can't draw to save my life, but it's what I was feeling for this prompt, you know? So, uh, yeah, here it is

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I may still end up writing something inspired by this, but who knows? For now, I hope you all enjoy my crappy art skills. Actually really therapeutic. 

Anyway, yeah, that's gonna be it for today. Sorry to disappoint anyone who was looking forward to a new oneshot, you'll have it tomorrow. Just, yeah. Part of inktober is supposed to be me enjoying it, right? And apparently today, that was achieved by doing this.

I hope you all have a lovely evening, and a very good morning awaiting you.


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