Inktober Day 13- Crying

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The adventure wasn't supposed to be that dangerous when he went out. Sure, Roman did his fair share of things without thinking, but this wasn't one of them. He was always careful when planning quests. Acting like Virgil when thinking up ways it could go wrong. Acting like Logan in figuring out the risks and calculating if it was worth it. All wrapped up in acting like Patton, caring about his wellbeing.

"Lot of good all that did," he muttered to himself as he dodged a breath of fire, squeezing behind a rock.

"Come on now, Hero, don't cower behind there. I'd really prefer to claw you to bits than just turn you into char, but I will if I must." The cackling voice filled the cave, and it vibrated around every wall, trapping itself in the space and Roman's ears. There really wasn't anywhere else for it to go.

Roman gritted his teeth, taking a second to steady his grip on his sword before coming out of his spot with a roll, perfectly timed to escape the blaze just blown in to where he had been standing seconds before. He took a second to gaze at where he had entered from, the hole practically a mile above him it seemed, the singed end of his rope still dangling feebly out of reach. There was no point in trying to get to it, even if he managed to climb atop the Dragon-Witch, he wouldn't have been tall enough to grasp it. His only option right now was to find another way out.

"Is there even one?" he wondered for just a moment, not having a second more to ponder before he had to lift his sword. Talons made contact with metal, and he had to check his feet were planted well, using his entire body weight to hold back her one hand. If she brought the other one into play, he'd have to dodge again. But frankly, he was getting a little tired of doing that after so long.

"Oh, come on, you came into my cave, caused a huge ruckus, killed one of my kind, and now you don't want to fight anymore? Where's the fun in that?"

"I consider my life worth more than taking yours," he grunted out, pushing back just enough to allow him to take a swipe. Of course, it didn't do anything, she pulled back too quickly.

"Ah, but isn't that every hero's dream? To bravely die, fighting off some beast?"

"Maybe, but I care more about the recognition, and a corpse can't exactly enjoy being adorned in kisses."

"Oh, look who's getting cocky now. It's almost as if you have an actual plan. How cute, if only it amounted to anything."

Roman groaned, looking around for some other exit anywhere, but there were none in sight. Maybe, I'll just have to make one myself. The mountain he was in was thick rock, nothing he could easily get through, especially not with ol' hot breath on his neck. He needed her off his back first, he could think about getting out after.

"Really, I know predators often like to play with their food beforehand, but I am finding this tiresome now. It's hardly a battle, just stand still for a moment, won't you?"

"Maybe one day, Scaleington, but not while you're around!" And that's when he saw it. That loose tail, hitting against the ground every couple of seconds, like a cat's waving back and forth. And it happened to be right next to a column.

He didn't take a second to think, dropping his sword and rushing towards it, knowing that if this didn't work his sword wouldn't help him any. He would grab it after, but right now, his concern was getting ahold of that tail.

"What are you-" The Dragon-Witch started, the words quickly being replaced by a snarl as Roman's hands made contact, gripping as tight as he could and running around the column as fast as was allowed.

Her tail was now twisted around the rock, the end Roman was holding sitting atop the previous portion, creating a small loop that was filled by the column. Roman was bracing against the thicker bit of her tail with all his might, praying his grip held out and that loop was staying in place. If not, she would have free reign again, and well, Prince Flambé would be on the menu.

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