Inktober Day 1- Vase

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Hey peeps! So, it's been a while, huh? 

Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. Depression's a bitch, and writing seemed impossible. Not a good excuse, I know, but I'm back now, hopefully for good! Tell you what, writing this felt so good, seriously never let me go so long without writing again, I feel like I just got a huge part of me back. 

Okay, explanation for what this is! Most simplistically, it's Inktober, but in writing form! For those who don't know what that is, it's pretty simple. You're given a prompt for each day of October, and are normally supposed to draw something relating to that prompt. I however, am obviously doing it with writing instead of art, cause I cannot draw to save my life. I really hope to make it through all 31 days, and I think I'll be able to. So yeah, consider this my apology for not posting in so long, I'm now gonna post daily for quite a while! 

Anyway, I'm gonna stop my rambling now and let you all start reading. Hope you enjoy day 1 of Inktober!


At the time it had seemed like the simplest scene to help Thomas out. Now, Roman was just regretting it.

It hadn't necessarily been a bad improvisation, and the Fanders had certainly enjoyed it. He wasn't mad about any of that. His companions' reaction on the other hand...


"Who broke this vase?!" The cry rang out throughout the house, and Roman groaned just as Virgil rounded the corner, shit-eating grin present on his face as he tried to hold back a snicker.

"Who broke this vase? Everyone here, in this awesome hallway, this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now-"

"Really Doom and Gloom? This is the third time this week." He bent down to start picking up the shattered pieces whilst Virgil finally broke, abandoning the monologue in exchange for uncontrollable laughter.

"Sorry Princey, it's not my fault you're really good at breaking vases," he managed to get out in between laughs.

Roman stood up at this statement, a rather large chunk of vase clutched in his left hand. "You set it on top of my door! There was no chance it wouldn't fall the moment I opened it!" He huffed, maddened that the other was able to pull this trick so many times, and still find amusement from it.

"You didn't give Thomas much of a choice. And to think, that had been my second aunt's nephew's vase. That was the last thing he gave me before he went to the moon."

"I-" Roman cut himself off, refusing to get into yet another fit of anger due to the childish prank. He simply took a deep breath, composing himself. "Fine, hilarious Virgil, really. I'm not picking it up though, so enjoy."

"Alright." Virgil waved his hand once, and the pieces all disappeared, causing Roman to look at his suddenly empty hand. "You forget we can just make things appear and disappear at will here, Romano," he snickered.

The princely figure couldn't help but groan at this, pivoting on his heel and walking out of the hallway in the direction of the kitchen. "I need to steal one of Padre's cookies after that." He left Virgil standing in the hallway, finally calming down from the amusement of his little trick.

"Comedy does come in threes, I should probably stop." He let out a breathy laugh, starting to head back to his room. It really was fun messing with the other, playfully of course. He'd never do something to actually tick Roman off, which meant he should probably quit with the vases while he was ahead.

He shut the door to his solitude once more, giving a sad smile. "Too bad I didn't save this for later. It could have made an epic April Fool's prank." He moved to his desk, turning in his chair and his eyes landed on a photo he had. "Or maybe..." he picked up the frame, a wicked look spreading across his features as an idea formulated in his mind. "Maybe it still can be."

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