Inktober Day 14- Cuddles

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Deceit saw several perks in his... snakelike qualities. He didn't mind the scales, save the times Logan wanted to research them, and the extra arms were certainly not raising any complaints.

This portion of the ensemble, however, he loathed.

Janus was currently huddled beneath two blankets, cursing the fact that he was too short to shut the vent in the living room and stop the cold air blowing in. This was only October as well; it was bound to get worse. And I thought Florida was supposed to be warm, he thought to himself.

Just then, Virgil walked into the room, and Janus suddenly became aware of how non-threatening he looked. He was more like a pile of marshmallow fluff than anything. Still, he would do his best, shaking his head so his hat nearly covered his eyes as he glared at the other.

Virgil took a second to notice him, jumping when he did so before just staring curiously. "Uh, Deceit?"

"Yes, Racoon?" A little immature, sure, but he couldn't help it right then. It didn't get too much of a reaction from the other to his displeasure, who just simply tucked their phone into their pocket.

"Are you cold?"

Janus huffed, his hat moving down a little further as he did so. "And whatever gave you that idea, Virgil? If anything, I'm just dying from heat."

Virgil only sighed, and frankly it was starting to agitate Deceit. "Do you want me to start a fire maybe?"

"I am doing just fine, thank you very much. I don't need anything besides to be left alone." And maybe another blanket, he thought, but no one needed to know that besides himself. He shook his head resolutely, causing his hat to fall its last little distance over his eyes, leaving him in a field of darkness. Great, now I can't even tell when the racoon walks away.

Despite not being able to see, he listened closely to the surrounding area, and swore he could make out the sounds of footsteps walking away.

"Good," he mumbled to himself, burrowing further into the blanket pile and basically condensing himself into a ball. "I am just fine here by myself."

Still, as he sat there feeling the minutes tick away, it got a little less comfortable sitting up, in a ball, mobbed by cloth on all sides with his hat blocking the only source of light. That didn't mean he would move, but he did sort of wish he had set up shop on the couch instead of the living room rug. At the time he had been thinking of starting a fire, but emerging from his pile to do so seemed too difficult a task now.

Just as that thought concluded, he heard footsteps break the silence around him, stopping far too close to him for his liking. Especially since he couldn't see who it was.

Suddenly, the hat was removed from atop his covering, blinding him with light and causing him to blink rapidly in an attempt to adjust fast and see who had dared touch his hat.

"Of course, Virgil," he snarled, putting as threatening a face on as he could manage.

"Save it Snakey, I'm not alone and my companion might not like it if you start using strong language."

"What—" Deceit started questioning, his eyes darting around the room before landing on the other person.

"Hey Janus! Virgil said you were cold and wanted some cuddles!" Patton bounced on his toes as he spoke, waving to him before turning to grab some more blankets from a nearby closet. That drew Janus' attention back to the man in front of him, giving a look that clearly conveyed a message of "what the hell?"

"You were cold, but you're too stubborn an ass to admit it," Virgil spoke, dropping his voice so Patton couldn't hear him. "So I brought backup you can't say no to."

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