Then I'm Happy Too~ No Ship

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TW: Mention of death

Patton skipped down the sidewalk, his mother and father trailing behind. He smiled as he walked, excited to reach their destination.

The three were going to visit Patton’s older brother, who had been in the hospital for about a week. He was yet to see him and was excited to tell him all about the first week of 4th grade.
They entered the hospital, taking the elevator up to the 4th floor. Patton pushed the door to the room open, his face lighting up.

“Thomas!” He ran over to the bed, enclosing the other in a hug.

“Oof, hey Patton, how’s it been going?”

“Good! The first week of school was fun. It’s too bad you missed yours.”

“Yeah, not exactly the best way to start off freshman year, is it?”

The two continued to talk for a while, chatting until a doctor entered the room.

“Hey, Patton, why don’t you go get something from the vending machine?” His father spoke quickly, pulling out a 5 to hand over.

“Okay! I’ll bring you all something too.” He turned, heading out on his new mission.

It took him awhile to find the machine, and longer to carefully choose a snack for everyone. When he got back to the room, the doctor’s were gone, and the remaining 3 were talking in hushed voices. 

“I’m back!” Patton called out. The conversation immediately stopped, and they all turned to him. 

“Thanks Patton,” his mother smiled sweetly, taking the bag of chips he handed her. “Here, why don’t you say bye to Thomas for now? We have to get going.”

He walked over to the side of the bed, a frown on his face as he looked to his brother. “You’re not coming with us?”

An uncomfortable look crossed the freshman’s face. “Uh, not now, bud . But hey, I’ll be back home before you know it.” He pulled the younger into a hug, turning so he could look him in the eyes. “Hey, with all this going on, are you happy?”

“Are you kidding? I got to see you again! Of course I am!”

Thomas smiled sadly down at him, eyes glistening as he spoke. 

“Then I’m happy too.”


It was late afternoon when they got the call. Patton had been talking on the phone with a friend when his father opened the door. 

“Hey Patton, can we talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure thing. I'll talk to you later, Roman!” He hung up, following his father downstairs to the living room where his mother was already sitting.

“What’s going on?” he asked, now taking in the somber look on his Father's face, and how his mother seemed ready to break at any moment. The two shared a look before turning to face their son.

And Patton was told the news. 

He ran up to his room, throwing himself on the bed, tears leaking from his eyes. He pressed his face into a stuffed animal, wondering why. Why they had never said Thomas had cancer. Why they had had him start making phone calls instead of visiting. Why he wasn't allowed to see him if they knew he was getting worse. Why the world decided to take his brother.

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